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Do you play NFT games?


Aug 24, 2022
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If you know one or two about crypto coins, then NFT games won't be strange to you. It is simply a game where you get to earn NFT or crypto coins by playing. Do you play this kind of game?
RE: Do you play NFT games?

I distance myself from anything that's related to NFTs in video games. I invest in cryptocurrency but not interested in NFTs. It's an indirect way to scam people.
RE: Do you play NFT games?

I do not play, but the decent P2E game I played offers crypto currency payment, which is similar to NFT rewards. But unfortunately I didn't last long playing the game due to extreme low reward system.
RE: Do you play NFT games?

I have played a couple of NFT games but I have not learned much from playing these games. When it comes to playing games, I am more concerned with fun and entertainment than earning rewards.
RE: Do you play NFT games?

As someone that likes the crypto market and coins, I play this type of game in order to make money while enjoying playing games that I like.
RE: Do you play NFT games?

Nomad said:
I have played a couple of NFT games but I have not learned much from playing these games. When it comes to playing games, I am more concerned with fun and entertainment than earning rewards.
Playing to have fun is the main reason for playing most of these games. I like when people focus on playing for fun as well.
I don't play any NFTs video games. I don't believe in that crap because they all look like a scam and a complete waste of time.
Mr Bong said:
I don't play any NFTs video games. I don't believe in that crap because they all look like a scam and a complete waste of time.
Scam? I don't agree, but it is a waste of time when you are looking to earn higher rewards.
Henrywrites said:
Scam? I don't agree, but it is a waste of time when you are looking to earn higher rewards.
You shouldn't expect to immediately earn a fortune from it and because you don't earn so much isn't a justification that it is scam.

Most people Carry the mindset of earning so much from it and when it turns out that they don't they tend to label it as a scam.
Sincerem11 said:
You shouldn't expect to immediately earn a fortune from it and because you don't earn so much isn't a justification that it is scam.

Most people Carry the mindset of earning so much from it and when it turns out that they don't they tend to label it as a scam.
That is the point that I am trying to make. There is no need painting the NFT games a scam when they have not played it. I still know one of the reasons for playing is to have fun and not because of the rewards.
I have played a few NFT games. With my little time playing it, I knew right away it's not something that I would be in for a long run.

I stopped playing it.