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Do you play at the game house?


Aug 24, 2022
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Game house is where a lot of gamers meet to play their favorite games. It might be games that you don't have at home or simply because you want to feel the public vibes. Do you like going to game houses to play games?
RE: Do you play at the game house?

I used to play video games at game houses when I was still a kid. I have my friends that we all go together. 2K wrestling games was what we played a lot.
RE: Do you play at the game house?

Every kid in my neighborhood was guilty of this because it was a way or a place where all of us get together and play and have fun together. Some of us skip our classes just to go to the game houses and play video games.
RE: Do you play at the game house?

I am an introvert. So, visiting the game house was not my thing and it is still not my style. I prefer playing my games at home.
Yes of course, I played games at game lounge. It's a very lucrative business.

I frequently visited game lounge whenever I want to play off home and feel the setting of a different place.
I visit game houses with my two sons and I let them play some arcade games or use the VR headset, my oldest son loves video games a lot so I always like to let him play as much as I can.
This is something I did when I was still around 8 years old. Now, it's only at home that I can play games unless I went out with my friends.
I have never been to a game house to play video games. If it's for me to go there and play games, they will go out of business.
PeterS said:
This is something I did when I was still around 8 years old. Now, it's only at home that I can play games unless I went out with my friends.
All kids did it here as well. We enjoyed playing games there more than we do at home.
I do visit the Game houses with my friends every once in while.

It usually when you go there with friends or family.
I play at my home, I have a gaming PC and Playstation 5.