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Do you own an air fryer?


Apr 18, 2020
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My daughter got us an air fryer for Christmas and I absolutely love it. I think my favorite things to make in it are chicken drumsticks, wings, asparagus and stuffed peppers. If you need recipes for any of those let me know!
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

I don't have one but I hear the food tastes pretty good. I bet it cooks much faster then frying them up in real life too. Fried potatoes are pretty good.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

I think my parents got one for christmas, but they weren't big cookers and I don't think it was ever used.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Air fryers use less oil than frying but I don't think they're much quicker. Our unit is 5quart and it's pretty small so at times I have to do multiple cooks just to feed my husband and myself. I can't imagine a big family being able to fully provide and keep things crispy even though suggestions are to keep the food warming in an oven. But now you're using an oven and the air fryer!
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

We don't however I kind of wanted one. I think we did at one point but our ex took in when she left (n) never even got to use it or see what all the hype was about. After 1@Lämmchen[/uSER] mentioned less oil though it has me interested in getting another one.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Those are great to cut down calories, you can warm a lot of stuff rather than microwaving stuff. Air frying tortillas are great fish fillets I guess there are a lot of ways to utilize it. Also, it's a faster way to do reverse sear than using an oven overall its pretty handy from cooking to warming food up, and it's easy to clean quite portable too.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Yep, I have one.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

We tried it but it wasn't for us. While we don't use the deep fryer that often, we prefer to have crispy food. The air fryer made it taste bland.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Yes I do have a air fryer. But I rarely use it. I had made beef fry and chicken fry in it. It basically cut downs our oil usage.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

I own a Phillips Air fryer it's an very innovative product, very easy to use.

Just by Brushing oil over chicken and air frying we can get the feeling of deep fried chicken.

I absolutely recommend this for people with Cholesterol or people who want to cut down weight and still want to eat tasty.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Air Fryer is one equipment which is on my wish list and probably I will bring one home this weekend. Especially interested since it cuts down oil intake, can prepare healthy food. It should suppliment my current health regime as I am presently on weight loss program.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

I enjoy mine! Its also good for cooking onion rings and donuts :D
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

I don't have an air fryer but I do have a pressure frier which makes chicken taste so juicy like KFC. Can't match the flavor but yeah. I do need to know how stuff tastes with an air fryer.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

I don't own one either here in my college apartment. My parents have an air fryer, I use it to bake when I go for vacation.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

I am thinking of buying one, as I really cook meat with little oil and never deep fry. It would be worth buying.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

[QUOTE="Lämmchen]My daughter got us an air fryer for Christmas and I absolutely love it. I think my favorite things to make in it are chicken drumsticks, wings, asparagus and stuffed peppers. If you need recipes for any of those let me know!
[/QUOTE]My mother is a very good cook and she makes one hell of a meal for me whenever I get to come home. She does make use of air fryer from time to time. 
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Not yet but soon I will. Mainly because I heard it's healthy because you don't have to use oil.

The only thing that I'm concerned about is that the food wouldn't taste as good when compared to cooking with oil and a frying pan.
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Jessica said:
I am thinking of buying one, as I really cook meat with little oil and never deep fry. It would be worth buying.
Yeah, as long as you have the zeal to cook often, it's far more better to have it as it's going to be saving you a lot of stress. 
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

Demon_skeith said:
I think my parents got one for christmas, but they weren't big cookers and I don't think it was ever used.
Cooking is one of my biggest challenges. I could have easily purchased the air fryer but it's going to be useless when I wouldn't use it. 
RE: Do you own an air fryer?

[QUOTE="Lämmchen]My daughter got us an air fryer for Christmas and I absolutely love it. I think my favorite things to make in it are chicken drumsticks, wings, asparagus and stuffed peppers. If you need recipes for any of those let me know!
[/QUOTE]I don't have it at all in my house. In fact, I don't even have a gas cooker because I don't cook. I order most of my foods and eat in my family house. 