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Do you make your own themes?


Mar 19, 2024
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When it comes to creating and building up a forum, blog or website, many people choose to use pre-made themes as it is easier, especially if you do not have any designing skills or graphics skills to create something yourself.

Some people can create their own themes for their sites though as they have the skills, allowing you to have a unique theme that has never been used anywhere else.

Do you make your own themes for your websites or do you use pre-made?
I made my own themes for the site several times but enjoying using someone elses work in my opinion is rewarding and worth more then anything I could muster up myself. I bought this style from themehouse, the one were using now. But I did some edits on it so it looks different.
My buddy and I like to customize are own themes on my forum, however, there’s times were we’ll buy themes that we like as well.
I always use the safe theme from big company. I don't have time to fix my theme.
Security first
I'm currently learning about web development and in doing so I've worked on creating some themes for learning purposes.

Other than that, there are a lot of great looking themes out there that I would probably use for a commercial site.
I bought my theme, I don't have the skill or knowledge to make my own theme. And to be honest I am not even going to try to learn because themes are so cheap that it makes it not worth it.
I’d say that I enjoy the creativity and control that comes with designing my own themes for my websites.

However, I also appreciate the convenience and professionalism of pre-made themes, especially when they save time and offer advanced features that I can customize to fit my needs. So, it’s a mix of both, depending on the project and my goals at the time.