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Do you like subtitles?

I only use subtitles on movies with poor quality audio or movies where people speak poor English and are hard to understand. Other than that, I keep subtitles off.
When the audio in a movie is compromised, it is only right for you to make use of subtitles because that is the only way you would be able to follow up on what they are doing in the movie.
When the audio in a movie is compromised, it is only right for you to make use of subtitles because that is the only way you would be able to follow up on what they are doing in the movie.
It's a wrong thing for a movie's production team to not make sure the movie's audio is very good. Without a good audio, a movie is useless in my opinion.
I enjoy making use of subtitles whenever I'm watching any movie. It helps me to focus very well when watching the movie.

I love Korean movies and it's how I fell in love with using subtitles in movies.
If it is necessary for me to make use of subtitles in order to understand the movie or TV show that I'm watching, I have to make use of it because of its relevance to that movie.
If it is necessary for me to make use of subtitles in order to understand the movie or TV show that I'm watching, I have to make use of it because of its relevance to that movie.
Yes, this is why subtitles are made. They are like part of the movies because they compliment the audio. When you can't hear, you can read.
Yes, this is why subtitles are made. They are like part of the movies because they compliment the audio. When you can't hear, you can read.
Yes, they have been very helpful for me in watching so many movies and TV shows for years. I can never stop using them.