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Do you like it when someone washes your clothes?


Feb 1, 2022
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Before the use of washing machine to do laundry, we always used hands to wash our dirty clothes. Even now, some people still wash their clothes with hands.

Do you like it when someone washes your clothes or you feel they don't or won't wash it well?
I don't like people watching my clothes, I have usually done it myself. But sometimes when I was too lazy, my mother, sisters as well as spouse have washed my clothes.
I have no issues with anyone washing my clothes. I just want to wear neat clothes and if my woman can help to do that, I will be very happy about that.
Yes, I do. In fact, it's not everyone that will be willing to wash for you. If you have someone willing to do it, be happy and grateful.
Neat clothes give me great pleasure. So,.I like doing it myself or when it’s washed by my wife. But when I was younger, my mom washed my laundry by hand.