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Do you have any pets?

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RE: Do you have any pets?

I have two kittens in my backyard. These are pretty little creatures, I pass my spare time with them. But they need more attention and care, as these are only 2 months old.
RE: Do you have any pets?

I have two dogs. One of which is a Jack Russel and the other is a mixed breed. There is quite an age difference between them, with the mixed breed being 14 years of age and the Jack Russel 5 years young.
RE: Do you have any pets?

I have 4 cats that live in the house Their names are Noah, Caroline, Luke, and Jasper. There's one cat who stays outside who's name is Jojo. I have a dog who is a poodle and his name is Teddy. I used to have a golden retriever who was my very best friend but he died of heart worms. I know he's in Heaven. Those are my pets.
I know this post have been made some time ago, but your write up about your pets caught my attention, and made me feel emotional. Its good having those pets around the house, losing one makes it sad cos they're part of us.
RE: Do you have any pets?

I like animals. I just don't like taking care of animals.
RE: Do you have any pets?

I have a green raw parrot. He's a cool dude. Know a few words. He can say names if you tell them. And he just loves listening to Eminem lol.
RE: Do you have any pets?

Yeah! My German shepherd boys Jacky, Joe and Aldo
RE: Do you have any pets?

As much as I like cats, I only kept a dog. His name is Brown. He's black and white in color and it's a German shepherd. 
RE: Do you have any pets?

I only have a dog. I've always wanted a cat, a hamster and a monkey though. I think monkeys are cool but I'm not sure if you're allowed to keep them as pets. I heard there's a high risk of them carrying a disease that can spread to a human. 
RE: Do you have any pets?

Gamer Guy said:
I only have a dog. I've always wanted a cat, a hamster and a monkey though. I think monkeys are cool but I'm not sure if you're allowed to keep them as pets. I heard there's a high risk of them carrying a disease that can spread to a human. 
When you take very good care of your pets just like you do for yourself, they are less likely to get any diseases like most people stress it. Feed them well, take care of their hygiene and give them medical treatment when it's supposed to and they would even be more healthy. 
RE: Do you have any pets?

Guest Guest said:
Yes, I have a pet. A kitty!
How about you?
My grandparents have 5 cats and 2 dogs. How they got along kept amazing me because ordinarily cats and dogs don't get along too well. 

I took after the cats because they are too calm to be with it. 
RE: Do you have any pets?

Guest Guest said:
Yes, I have a pet. A kitty!
How about you?
I have a raccoon. It was a wild one but I managed to tame it and it's been with me ever since for about 3 years now. I call him smarty. 
RE: Do you have any pets?

Martinsx said:
I have a raccoon. It was a wild one but I managed to tame it and it's been with me ever since for about 3 years now. I call him smarty. 
I can't deal with any wild animal for any reason whatsoever. They are not pets to me as far as I'm concerned. I have seen some keeping wolf and tiger as pets, are they serious? 
RE: Do you have any pets?

Guest Guest said:
Yes, I have a pet. A kitty!
How about you?
My grandmother favors them more than dogs but she's got both cats and dogs. She's got 7 cats and 4 dogs. 

I only have 2 dogs that I took from her German Shepard. 
I have a cat and he's right here with me rubbing his body all over my legs. He's fun to be with.
ShadoX said:
RE: Do you have any pets?

I have dog named Scooby and a parrot named max. They are my great companions in this lockdown.
My dog too helped out during the COVID lockdown too. Playing video games helped out too.
Yes, I have a pet. I have cats and dogs too. It's a cat I inherited from my grandma.
My husband have a dog. It's a German Shepherd. It's the only dog that we have in my family. But I love cats more than dogs. 
I have a dog. She’s currently a year old and her name is cookie. We got her when she was a puppy.
Yes of course, I have a pet. It's a dog that I'm keeping as a pet now. Dogs are man's best friend and I'm so much in love with my dog. His name is Jack and he's a lovely boy.
I have to cats named Alice and Missy. Alice is 13 years old and Missy is 6 years old. Both girls are good girls and I love them so much.