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Do you feel humans are too smart for their own good?

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
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Well, humans have created nuclear weapons which can trigger the end of the Earth.    On top of this, they are developing or have developed biological weapons which can do the same.    Well, given the pessimism, is there any hope for humans and their "too big" brains?
RE: Do you feel humans are too smart for their own good?

Humans will eventually cause their own extinction. That's just how the universe works. One species goes away for a new one to come in. Believe it or not, I don't think we're headed in a good direction. But on the other side, if there are hostile aliens, we would need something to protect ourselves with, wouldn't we?
RE: Do you feel humans are too smart for their own good?

They can be too smart for their own good but that all depends on the humans who were chosen to lead this world. A bad leader shows and leading the world into oblivion is possible and wouldn't be too hard to do for some people. How a country handles it when a leader is weak is less than how they handle one strong who wants to obliterate man-kind.
AI is the future. No matter how smart human beings get, they will never beat the intelligence of AI.

But it's true that building weapons of mass destruction will drive us into oblivion.
You think that our generation now is smart, you should brace up for what the next generation after us is going to do. I'm already scared for them.
I don't think that we are smart enough to be very honest. I'm very sure that we have aliens amongst us and they are smarter.
The way human beings are dependent on technology is something that is not good in my own opinion because if this keeps happening the way it is, it is going to be the end of human being or humanity.
Human beings are supposed to be smart because we are the better specie. The problem is that we don't know how to manage things properly, it doesn't have to do without intelligence but how to look out for one another.
The way human beings are dependent on technology is something that is not good in my own opinion because if this keeps happening the way it is, it is going to be the end of human being or humanity.
This is surely a very serious problem because with the way technology is taking over everything human beings do, when you look at artificial intelligence, you will see the pending danger that is about falling on human race.