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Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?


Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
So, those who use Epic Games Launcher will know that they have been giving free games every Thursday. I have been claiming the majority of them (I have forgotten some weeks). Even the games that I reckon I won't play. Anyone else claim the games? There have been some really good ones like Hitman, GTA 5, Rocket League and many more.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

No but what I usually do is get free games with gold on Xbox Live. That's something that isn't too bad in my opinion because the games offered are actually usually decent. I have got triple A titles on there including the game For Honor as well as others.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

From time to time i do. I just claim the games that i'd actually play. There's no use in getting tons of games you won't touch lol.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

Of course, why wouldn't I? It's free. I think it's a great gesture that Epic Games offer to their customers. It's the little things that encourage customers to become loyal to the company. So, in the long run, they'd probably be making more profit as a result. I've got the free GTA V at the moment.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

Not really, my laptop wouldn't run them - I claimed one in December as I'd ordered a new Desktop PC, but it unfortunately never arrived..

I do claim the monthly PS Plus games though. Initially I only claimed the ones that I was actually intending to play, but now I just claim them regardless :LOL:
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

Never used the Epic launcher so no, once I build a new PC then that may change
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

I never claimed any game from Epic. But i have shared it with my gaming friends and i believe they claimed few.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

I got GTA V for free but didn't like it. LOL That was the only free Epic game I bothered with.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

I got GTA V for free but didn't like it. LOL That was the only free Epic game I bothered with.
Wow they give GTA V for free? That is really nice, sad i don't have the specs to run the game.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

I did...and the only game I skipped was CitySkylines since I forgot...I hate myself for that as it was the game that I really really wanted to get. I got all the rest lol.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

Wow they give GTA V for free? That is really nice, sad i don't have the specs to run the game.
hehe I can run it, but it just didn't grab me. :)
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

I did...and the only game I skipped was CitySkylines since I forgot...I hate myself for that as it was the game that I really really wanted to get. I got all the rest lol.
That's a pretty cool game. I didn't enjoy it as much as Simcity 5 tho.
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

lots of time btw hope epic game will give Fallout 76 or 4 for free in the future
RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

Not every single game that they offer for free, I go and check out what's new and what they got to offer :) If the game is not my kind of game then I do not add it. Then again the game that I di add to my account, I never get to download and play anyway. Rage 2 is this week :)

My library is big, and getting bigger ;)
I claim free games on the Epic store frequently, However, not all games that are available for free are good.
I don't usually like to play free video games. But after playing Fortnite which is a video game developed by Epic Games, I started giving attention to their free games. 
I always claim my free games from Epic Games. I don't even care if it's a game that I play or not. I will claim it nonetheless. 