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Do you believe in history repeats itself?


Feb 4, 2022
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This pandemic has made me believe in this quote. I had assumed that it won't be true and will have only striking similarities in the instances of happenings. But the spread of viruses, the lockdown has made me realize that yes there comes a time when history repeats itself.  So what have we done as a precaution or prevention that it shouldn't happen the next time?
RE: Do you believe in history repeats itself?

History doesn't always repeat itself. But there's a pattern I've heard of due to circadium rythym styles that it repeats every so often, especially when it's like finding a soul mate or being with someone you love. Or tragic events as well on a global scale sometimes do.
RE: Do you believe in history repeats itself?

The situation in the Ukraine seems to be a repeat of Hitler's taking of Czechoslovakia.    Well, the Czech Republic had regions where Germans lived.  Hitler claimed he was in the right - cause he was helping Germans.   This is like Putin supporting separatist Russians.
RE: Do you believe in history repeats itself?

I believe that history that didn't end well will always repeat itself. Everyone knows that and that is why this kind of thing is occurring in Ukraine.
Coincidence do Happen and we can actually see history repeating itself sometimes.
I believe History repeat itself. I can see how the ghost of Hitler has taken control of Putin. I see world war repeating.