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Do people still believe in astrology?


Feb 1, 2022
There are many people in the world who still believe in the influence of astrology. However, most of the educated public does not believe that stars can decide our fate.
RE: Do people still believe in astrology?

Astrology was developed independently in several areas of the world: China, Middle East, Central America. The scientists are biased. The daily horoscope is not real astrology. A certified astrologer would look at the position of all the planets at the time of your birth, and then do calculations known as progressions; it's not as simple as some people think.
RE: Do people still believe in astrology?

I strongly feel that the position of the planets and stars in the sky influences human life.  But it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't just based on coincidence.
RE: Do people still believe in astrology?

The Sun and Moon do cast its effects on Earth.  For example, the effect of Moon on oceans causing high tides, effect of eclipse on Earth etc.  Similarly, I think all planets and stars also have some effect on human beings too.  But one should not blindly only believe only in astrology and expect changes in one's life.
RE: Do people still believe in astrology?

In many parts of the world, people do believe in astrology. The placement and movement of planets according to them have life changing effects. Astrology is an ancient science and many so called modern scientific experiments have proved what astrology professed ages ago. Astrology cannot be brushed away just like that. We have lot of people practicing astrology who are with out proper knowledge and only out to make money by cheating ill informed people. This category of persons are bringing bad repute to the ancient revered science.
RE: Do people still believe in astrology?

Astrology is a science which has its roots down ages. Astrology is based on positions of planets and their correct interpretation on a persons life. It is proved fact that planets and moons do have lot of influence on earth, a simple example being high and low tides. Modern science may question astrology, but it cannot be just rubbished like that. Many calculations and modern day inventions in space science were surpringly recorded ages ago by astrologers. Astrology should be hence be recognized and given its due by the modern science.
RE: Do people still believe in astrology?

Dont you know about astrology girls lol. I think it's a fake science, and if you break up or hurt someone because you are a Sagattarious rising, go ina time out corner. That's really some white girl belief to be honest.
Jackle2015 said:
There are many people in the world who still believe in the influence of astrology. However, most of the educated public does not believe that stars can decide our fate.
I don't believe that the powers in the stars have any influence in anything that I'm doing whatsoever.

But what I believe in is Karma. Do good and good will come back to you and vice versa.
I don't believe in it otherwise I would have been a millionaire now according to one lady that tells the stars.
If I'm the superstitious kind of person, it's something that I would believe in but unfortunately I'm not. I believe in working hard and see the proof.
Personally, I'm not the kind of person who believes in astrology. I've never seen anything about it that tallies with my life. This is why I cannot believe in it.