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Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?


Aug 24, 2022
Reaction score
This is specifically for gamers that enjoys downloading games basically because of what others said. Have you been in that situation where you were put off from downloading a game all because there was bad reviews from others that have played same game?
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

I always make use of reviews when it comes to buying video games because I know that these gaming companies are always of the habit of developing rubbish. There are lots of games out there that are not worth buying especially when you read their reviews.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

I would have purchased Saints Row Roboot that was just released not too long ago but the series of bad reviews I saw online about the game have kept me from purchasing the game.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

If a game's reviews does not supports your buying the game, it means that you shouldn't because there are so many flaws that would make the game be a disappointments when you purchase it.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

It is very important to make use of video games review before purchasing them because it is going to be a wrong decision for you to buy a game without knowing if it is worth buying. Reviews helped me not to buy Battlefield 2042.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

It is very important to make use of video games review before purchasing them because it is going to be a wrong decision for you to buy a game without knowing if it is worth buying. Reviews helped me not to buy Battlefield 2042.
Battlefield 2042 is a terrible game and I hate it. Such a waste of money someone would waste to spend it on a game like that.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

Nope. I prefer to play games and for my own judgement about it. Saint's Row being the most recent. Fun game.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

Reviews matter, however, am willing to give it a try if the game is free to play because I have nothing to lose. I have enjoyed a lot of games that had bad reviews.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

Battlefield 2042 is a terrible game and I hate it. Such a waste of money someone would waste to spend it on a game like that.
Seriously, it's the worst game that I have ever played in a while. There's nothing good about the game in any way possible. They screwed gamers with it.
RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

Nomad said:
Reviews matter, however, am willing to give it a try if the game is free to play because I have nothing to lose. I have enjoyed a lot of games that had bad reviews.
Some bad reviews are not real, I understand. However, I try to ask friends that have played a particular game before deciding to try it out.
Most games on my mobile are recommended by my friends I don't go around searching for games.

If I see that the game is interesting I just get it without bothering about what others have to say about the Game.
I can't think of any though, most games I have played on mobile are either preinstalled on my mobile devices or I was interested in it do I decided to give it a try.

I don't pause or stop downloading any game because of its reviews.
I don't even download video games that often so I don't think there has ever been a time when I changed my mind on downloading a particular video game because of bad reviews.
If others that played a particular video game rated it very bad, there's no point in my paying and downloading the game. I won't play the game. 
Reviews matter. When I want to download a game, I always check reviews. I don't download badly reviewed game. There is a risk in downloading a game with bad reviews.
I always check the reviews. I won't download an app on Play Store if it's rated less than 4 stars.
Reviews are something I always check to avoid wasting my time with a game that I could have avoided. In some cases, depending on the reviews I may check it out myself but in most cases, the reviews tell me everything.