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RE: depressed

TopSilver said:
Yeah and the majority of those deaths related to suicides. I can't stress how hard it is for someone who's depressed to live their lives without some type of medicine. It's quite sad.
There is a chance they would kill themselves at any time when something triggers their fear. They should always be placed under supervision. 
RE: depressed

Martinsx said:
There is always a trigger to all depression. So, you need to find out exactly what's making you feel depressed and work towards it and get right back on track. 
Your very correct about how a trigger affects those who suffer from depression. A friend of miner's trigger is shouting at him and it kicks in. 
Gaming_Kids said:
I feel depressed and just stressed out, it builds in me so somebody triggered it on discord recently so if anyone is a philosopher like me you can get to me, and I’m writing it here cause any place I get somebody to talk to I feel calm and comfortable, even if the pain is there
Depression is very hard to deal with. Try and find something rewarding to do every day and it's going to help keep you busy and in good spirits.
Anachiwo said:
RE: depressed

A friend of mine actually died as a result of being depressed when we were still in college. What got him depressed was one of his uncle raped her. She left a suicide note. It was horrible.
This is very bad. What did her family do to that evil man? He should be killed if the law would have it but I know it's not possible.
Take your time off whatever that you're doing and rest.

Too much stress will break you down and not only leave you depressed.
I feel depressed and just stressed out, it builds in me so somebody triggered it on discord recently so if anyone is a philosopher like me you can get to me, and I’m writing it here cause any place I get somebody to talk to I feel calm and comfortable, even if the pain is there
Taking care of my 3 kids always leave me feeling depressed but there's nothing I can do about it. It's a struggle that I have to face every day. 
It's never nice to be depressed, I suffer from depression and I am on medication for depression. There are always days when things will trigger your depression and it can seem like it will never end. Just always remember there is someone out there who will listen.
I feel depressed and just stressed out, it builds in me so somebody triggered it on discord recently so if anyone is a philosopher like me you can get to me, and I’m writing it here cause any place I get somebody to talk to I feel calm and comfortable, even if the pain is there

I am so sorry to hear about your depression and it's always very difficult for someone to manage being depressed alone. You have to seek for help in any way that you can and if it is possible for you to pay for therapy, I will definitely advise you doing that.
I am so sorry to hear about your depression and it's always very difficult for someone to manage being depressed alone. You have to seek for help in any way that you can and if it is possible for you to pay for therapy, I will definitely advise you doing that.

Seeking for help from family members is very important. They are the ones that will be there for you at all times. They want to give you the support that you need and that is something that I appreciate from them whenever that I am down.
Seeking for help from family members is very important. They are the ones that will be there for you at all times. They want to give you the support that you need and that is something that I appreciate from them whenever that I am down.
It is very important before you start talking to your family members about your depression that you find out they are very open to understanding the situation you found yourself into, otherwise it is better for you to seek medical attention and help by professionals.
Taking care of my 3 kids always leave me feeling depressed but there's nothing I can do about it. It's a struggle that I have to face every day.
Why are you the only one who's taking care of yourself and your 3 kids? What is your man or husband up to? He doesn't support you in any way?