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D you have a forum?


Jan 29, 2022
Reaction score
I started posting on forums in 2015. Between 2016 and 2018, forum posting was one f my major online income sources. In 2018, I created a forum on my multi author blog. The forum was mainly for the in-house writers to discuss on site related issues. When I sold the site, the new owner decided to discontinue the forum. In 2019, I created another muti-author site and added a forum. I have now discontinued the forum. I also tried creating stand alone forums but I had to shut down because I could not build members. Now, I am running a forum since six months.
RE: D you have a forum?

This forum is the only one I've but I ran an Xbox Modding forum just like @Empire has for 3 years which generated quite a bit of traffic but do to different things I later figured out that were blocking traffic, it never was successful. Now I know Cloudflare blocks out traffic so ditched that recently. I can say we should do very well for ourselves now that we have a nice platform and so forth. What can I say. The site was called TheXboxCloud.com and generated 5,500 visits a month but did not take off.
RE: D you have a forum?

I think 5,500 visit is a decent traffic? Did you monetize your traffic? I get about 1000 monthly visits on my forum, I am running Adsense and A-Ads. My monthly earning from A-Ads is around $5 and I earn about $10 from Adsense. The earning is not enough even to cover my forum running cost.
RE: D you have a forum?

I have a music lesson forum.  It's a lot of fun and keeps me engaged in learning music.  I also have a large social media following that, well, I admit I paid for, but that's not saying I don't have excellent material to show them.
RE: D you have a forum?

I am a member of your current forum, which is 'tradebtc.xyz, I believe it got some members. Surely, if you continue pushing higher for your forum growth, it wouldn't due like others. I don't own a forum, I post on various forums, and using the process to build my knowledge up to own one or more in the future. 