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Current Generation is Weak says Top Army Medical Officers

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
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http://Pentagon and Army: Gen Z bodies are 'Nintendo Generation' and are weak | TweakTown

Well, actually any more modern generation is weaker.  I'd say the TV generation was weaker than the radio one and the radio one weaker than the telegraph one.  Nonetheless, how much weaker do you feel people are, if they are weaker at all?
RE: Current Generation is Weak says Top Army Medical Officers

I agree with the statement. Nowadays, most people, I'd say mainly in the West world, are getting weaker and weaker with each generation. They aren't suitable for soldiers, some boys even get scared from a spider on the wall... What's left if there's a war that they would have to go to?
RE: Current Generation is Weak says Top Army Medical Officers

This idea is pedeled on far-conservative sites - and while I think a lot of that talk is super-macho crap, I have to agree to some extent.  I think the New World Order wants people, including males, to be very weak.   They want them soft so they can control them, maybe even eventually eliminate them.

Well, the medical industry I think is making people dependent on drugs for every ill rather than wholesome solutions.  It pushes the idea that a lot of people have these mental illnesses, depression etc. - instead of seeking wholesome cures.
RE: Current Generation is Weak says Top Army Medical Officers

With the army and people who are too afraid to fight in a war I can see how that's true. But drafts with no purpose are different. So long as it's actually needed if you wouldn't fight for America that would be a coward thing to do.
Based on what our ancestors were able to do without the advanced machines and technologies, we can very much say that humans have become physically feeble.
They arent lying though Gen-Z is soft.
I can't disagree either. Some of the things that they complain about are so trivial that you often wonder how they managed to survive this long in the real world.