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RE: Cricket

Yes! I love a good old cricket match.. Used to be one of the top players in my school days. Still play it now and again with mates at the park.
RE: Cricket

What's your favorite cricket team?
RE: Cricket

I wouldn't call myself a fan but I enjoy watching cricket, I watch test cricket, one day as well s T20. My favorite team is South Africa. When South Africa is taking its arch rival Australia, the thrill becomes double. I also like to watch Pakistan Taking India.
RE: Cricket

Played ccricket at high school and also indoor cricket. I'm not into sports at a long shot but once I do get into the game, I do enjoy it. I do not even watch sports on TV. With cricket being on the field all you do is stand there for 20mins to 30mins doing nothing but watching the ball getting hit the other direction to where you are XD, I seat down and the teacher told me off to standup. I was like, the ball is never going to go this way XD

One time while playing at school, I was far back in the school feild and the ball came towards me real fast. I was shocked to see a ball coming at me  anyway I hold my arms out and I catched the ball YEAHHHHHHHHH - everyone was like , DAMNNN what a catch. 
RE: Cricket

I used to be a huge fan of cricket matches during my school days. I used to watch the World Cup series and Test series. But now I don't find time to watch the full match, I only check out the score on my mobile.
RE: Cricket

This is one sport that I despise. I used to be a great cricket fan during my school days. International matches were never missed. I will be glued to TV for the duration of the match. But slowly with advent of different varients of the game, and overexposure to cricket, I have lost interest in the game. Today cricket is played selfishly only for money with countries interest secondary. This has prompted me to watch other more interesting games than waste my time watching cricket.
RE: Cricket

I am a die hard fan of cricket.  We have our own local cricket team and we always indulge in cricket matches with teams from other locality on weekends.  It is a great stress buster for all of us to spend  a whole day playing in the sun.