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Console Wars


Jun 17, 2020
Are the console wars still a thing? I know they are atill rivals but once there was a time when it was all you'd hear about especially online butnI haven't heard any of that in ages.
RE: Console Wars

Yes, I'd say that console wars are still a thing.. They're perhaps not so prevalent as they were in the 90's and early 00's, but exclusivity deals are still a thing (albeit they tend to be time limited these days) and cross-platform gaming online is still restricted to just a few games.

Not to mention that you still have fanboys or fangirls of Xbox and PlayStation, who declare a 'loyalty' to either side. Their arguments are largely based on opinion, though.
RE: Console Wars

Yes, I'd say that console wars are still a thing.. They're perhaps not so prevalent as they were in the 90's and early 00's, but exclusivity deals are still a thing (albeit they tend to be time limited these days) and cross-platform gaming online is still restricted to just a few games.
Not to mention that you still have fanboys or fangirls of Xbox and PlayStation, who declare a 'loyalty' to either side. Their arguments are largely based on opinion, though.
I was all in on Xbox, then I traded in my Xbox One and got a PS4. I really only play CoD, Overwatch, GTA (Campaign and multiplayer 3 times a year), and some single player games here and there.
I want to get a (pre-built) custom gaming PC (Where I can switch the parts out; bad eyesight) but that probably wont be for 2-3 years. I want to get a 4k monitor 144hz minimum and 1ms. The way things are that could very well be $7k
RE: Console Wars

I used to buy both consoles each generation, now Just stick to one which is normally Xbox
RE: Console Wars

I think that's more of a mid 90s thing. I've never seen a rivalry like Sega and Nintendo these days anymore.
RE: Console Wars

I think that's more of a mid 90s thing. I've never seen a rivalry like Sega and Nintendo these days anymore.
Xbox Vs PlayStation was massive and each time a new version gets announced, it starts up again.
RE: Console Wars

Xbox 360 vs PS3 definitely felt like more of a thing than Xbox One vs PS4, though.? or perhaps I'm just less involved these days!

I was a huge fan of the Xbox 360, though I did go through quite a few of them due to various issues.. The last straw came when I got a console ban for exploiting a marketplace glitch for a handful of free games, despite purchasing another console afterwards it didn't really get played - and instead I switched to PS3. This was just a few months before the PS4 was released, and so I decided to side with Sony again.
RE: Console Wars

I would say Microsoft and Sony are going at it pretty hard, Google has back out and Nintendo never takes part in it.
RE: Console Wars

Are the console wars still a thing? I know they are atill rivals but once there was a time when it was all you'd hear about especially online butnI haven't heard any of that in ages.
No, I don't think so. Because everyone should know by now that Xbox is the best gaming console available. ;)
RE: Console Wars

No, I don't think so. Because everyone should know by now that Xbox is the best gaming console available. ;)
Tis a shame the PS5 is still the most sought console right now :P
RE: Console Wars

Tis a shame the PS5 is still the most sought console right now :p
Yeah, PlayStation has always had a huge market share globally while Microsoft has only really cared about the US and a select few markets in Europe. Which is a shame, but bigger doesn't always mean better. ;) Xbox is doing a lot of right this console generation. They have the most powerful gaming console (again) and also great services and features such as game pass, xbox play anywhere. They also offer great game support across the generations, excellent cloud saves, quick resume (LOVE IT!) and so much more. :)
RE: Console Wars

Each Console has its own advantages and disadvantages. And, I think it comes down to the gamer's preference at the end of the day. For me, I really like the Microsoft Consoles and Platforms, whether that's a PC or Xbox 360/X/One.
RE: Console Wars

I think it is still pretty much going on. I still see on occasion people hating on new consoles coming out, when suddenly hardware stop working for x percentage of the consoles sold. Pretty funny to watch most of the time. With me, it isn't much of a preference in consoles, but preference on the game I want to play, and if the system has the game. If it does, I get it.
I bought PlayStation 5 recently because the game I wanted to play was available only on Playstation 4 or 5. However, I am mostly a PC gamer.
I don't get into console war discussions because it's a childish thing to do. 

I'm the kind of gamer that like to play on all the video games console we have in the gaming industry. 
Are the console wars still a thing? I know they are atill rivals but once there was a time when it was all you'd hear about especially online butnI haven't heard any of that in ages.
It's those that have excess time at their disposal that have time to get into console war. It's what I did when I was still a kid. 