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Closest Animation Program to Flash MX?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Flash MX is outdated. What's the closest program that is now what Flash MX Professional used to be and for free?

I know Adobe has a new product but I just want to know the best animation program out there for free. I'm down with a little event triggering and coding too.
RE: Closest Animation Program to Flash MX?

http://Sothink SWF Quicker could be an option (free trial available).. It's been a long time since I've used it though.

More to the point, what are you wanting to do, since Flash has been killed off? :unsure:
RE: Closest Animation Program to Flash MX?

1@Nerdface[/uSER] really I want to animate and make animation videos but wanted something that was free. I will give them a check though. Maybe it's cheaper then adobe animate. Not into it so much I would pay a lot though.
RE: Closest Animation Program to Flash MX?

I *think* I have an unused license knocking about somewhere.. Not sure it's valid for the latest version though.

I'll have a look and hit you up on Discord.