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Cheat Guides


Oct 26, 2020
It's happened to most of us - we've got stuck on our favorite part of a video game, and we've been tempted to do a quick google search on to cheat our way past the obstacle. But how many of us actually ended up doing exactly this? Do you think cheat guides is the right thing to do or is it best to work it out for yourself? 
RE: Cheat Guides

Cheat guides are fine if they are ruffly speaking used on single player.

Even multiplayer is fine too as long as your not cheating against the person who's playing. I don't see why not.
RE: Cheat Guides

I have used cheats software and also most games also have simple cheat code commands that you can type in. Cheat guides are there to help anyway if you are stuck and you can't get past a wall and taken so much of your time that you are sick and tired of being stuck and you need that extra help or maybe a top in my case. Only time while in-game that I use a chat option if I'm doing it for games that I love to build and rather spend hours and hours getting to collect the building items, I use cheat and then it's fast to build. 

Games like:

  • The Forest
  • Eco
  • Valheim
RE: Cheat Guides

I use it mostly on Crusader Kings II just to get gold so I can beat someone who just conquered me lol. I used fly hack a lot in Wow Private servers just for lulz
RE: Cheat Guides

[QUOTE="Alexander.]It's happened to most of us - we've got stuck on our favorite part of a video game, and we've been tempted to do a quick google search on to cheat our way past the obstacle. But how many of us actually ended up doing exactly this? Do you think cheat guides is the right thing to do or is it best to work it out for yourself? 
[/QUOTE]I have never been a fan of cheats code no matter how small it's been used. Some gamers know very how to abuse these cheats codes and it's very frustrating for me. 
RE: Cheat Guides

Cheating a level in singleplayer is fine by me. But only in singleplayer. In no way cheats should be used when playing a multiplayer game. It ruins the experience for everyone. It's simply not fair and should be punished.
I hardly do that when it comes to using cheat guides in playing games.

What I usually do is go to YouTube and watch some video about the game and see how to beat it.
I used cheat Codes back when I played grand theft auto sahandres on my PlayStation 2 , I had a group of friends we normally come together and discuss about some really cool cheat Codes we found.

Right now I don't use cheat Codes anymore.
I have never used cheat Codes, I always enjoy a good challenge when it comes to video games.

I know they are cheat Codes available for various games though but I have never really considered using them.
[QUOTE="Alexander.]It's happened to most of us - we've got stuck on our favorite part of a video game, and we've been tempted to do a quick google search on to cheat our way past the obstacle. But how many of us actually ended up doing exactly this? Do you think cheat guides is the right thing to do or is it best to work it out for yourself?
[/QUOTE]It's only when I was still playing GTA 5 that I had to use Cheats and hacks to beat the game because it was very difficult.
I don't have time for using cheat guides to play games. If I can't beat the games the normal way, I'll keep trying till I beat it.
Cheat Codes reminds me a lot of my childhood when the coolest kid in the block is the person who has some really cool cheat Codes they could use on GTA or other video games.
I don't have enough time to play, so looking into getting cheat guides or code as some call it isn't one of my strengths.
Sincerem11 said:
Cheat Codes reminds me a lot of my childhood when the coolest kid in the block is the person who has some really cool cheat Codes they could use on GTA or other video games.
Playing GTA games with cheat codes is almost inevitable for most gamers. It's like part and parcel for the game.
I don't like using cheat guides, why do you have to use cheats to complete the game? Isn't gaming all about having fun?
I don't like using cheat guides, why do you have to use cheats to complete the game? Isn't gaming all about having fun?
I keep asking the same question to some of my friends that are interested in using cheat codes or guides to beat their games. 