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Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?


Aug 24, 2022
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Battle Royale games are games that are not always meant for kids. Some say kids under 14 shouldn't be allowed to play these games while others see nothing wrong with it. Do you think it is okay to allow kids play it?
RE: Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

Shooting games shouldn't be allowed for kids. Games of intense violence does them more harm than good. They need to get to a certain age before being allowed to play such games.
RE: Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

My dad didn't give me too much sticks when I started playing any sort of game, he only reduced my time going out in search of a new game to play always. I play Battle royale games during my childhood as such, I will allow my kids to play such games during their free time.
RE: Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

I think battle royale games are not appropriate for kids below 16 years of age because they cannot differentiate between facts and fiction, and they might be easily influenced by violent actions in the games.
RE: Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

As long as I am concerned, this is a game for people that are up to 18. Letting kids play Battle Royale is something that I strongly object.
RE: Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

Sincerem said:
My dad didn't give me too much sticks when I started playing any sort of game, he only reduced my time going out in search of a new game to play always. I play Battle royale games during my childhood as such, I will allow my kids to play such games during their free time.
To me, any kid that wants to misbehave shouldn't blame gaming as the reason for such actions. At what age will you let your kids play such game?
Kids are allowed to play Fortnite. It's among the best Battle Royale games out there.

I don't have any problems with having my kids play such games.
Mr Bong said:
Kids are allowed to play Fortnite. It's among the best Battle Royale games out there.

I don't have any problems with having my kids play such games.
Shows you don't believe that the kids can get affected by some games with more war scenes?
My younger siblings and Even my nephews are all fans of battle Royale video games like fortnite and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't let them play it.
I played Battle Royale games as a kid and I don't see anything that's wrong with it.

So, my kids will also be allowed to play such video games too.
Henrywrites said:
Battle Royale games are games that are not always meant for kids. Some say kids under 14 shouldn't be allowed to play these games while others see nothing wrong with it. Do you think it is okay to allow kids play it?
PUBG is a good game. Kids should be allowed to play the game. It's GTA that kids shouldn't play but unfortunately kids play it too.
Henrywrites said:
Battle Royale games are games that are not always meant for kids. Some say kids under 14 shouldn't be allowed to play these games while others see nothing wrong with it. Do you think it is okay to allow kids play it?
Battle Royale games are games meant to both kids and adults. It's some people that are making a big deal out it putting up as bad for kids.
If my kids like playing Battle Royale games like PUBG and FreeFire or even Fortnite, I wouldn't get in their way.