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Can VPN help to reduce ping ?


Jul 9, 2021
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I would like to know if VPN can help me to reduce online gaming ping ? if yes then kindly suggest me a good one
RE: Can VPN help to reduce ping ?

I don't think VPNs were made for that. They mostly were designed to hide your ip address and nothing more. However I could be wrong about certain ones but the majority of the time I don't think they do. You might find a few that have built in features to increase your speed though.
RE: Can VPN help to reduce ping ?

VPN is mainly for anonymity. To hide someone's identity online like the IP address and the location and xD.
RE: Can VPN help to reduce ping ?

I can't answer this question with a yes or no, as it depends on a number of factors. The first is how close you are to the data server. For example, there is no point in connecting to a Virtual Private Network in India, if you live in the United States. Secondly, if you're using a free VPN, it's technically a VPN (Virtual Public Network) rather than a (Virtual Private Network). Paying for your own server that ONLY you can access will help with Ping. Saying this, it would probably be cheaper to upgrade your internet connection and less hassle too!
RE: Can VPN help to reduce ping ?

It can BUT only in the case where routing is terrible. You could try using WTFast. For example, I get really bad routing to HK servers resulting in 200 ping when in reality I should be getting 40-50. Using a VPN reduces my ping to around 50-60. 

Plus https://www.expressvpn.com/  networkd like that are built for gamers right? 
RE: Can VPN help to reduce ping ?

I didn't know that 1@Empire[/uSER]good to hear. I just to be honest thought it could never have an effect on ping. But did just realize that if your computer's download speed is slower then the VPN upload speed then that might be possible but who's to say.