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Buy games day one or wait for steam sales?


Jul 13, 2019
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Do you tend to buy your PC games when they launch? or do you wait for a sale on a market place like Steam? I usually try to wait for a sale if I can. PC gaming isn't my primary way to game so I usually wait and see what goes on sale for steam spring and summer sales, etc. I just recently got Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition on sale for $3 so I've been playing through that for the 3rd time on my new gaming laptop.

What about you? Do you buy games right away on PC or do you wait for a sale?
SAVE YOUR MONEY AND wait for steam sales
I don't have so much time to play game
I used to be someone who would buy games on day one but nowadays, I don't have as much time to play anymore so I either wait for a sale or do not get the game at all depending on if I know I am going to have time to play.
I personally just use steam for card games like yugioh and to shoot pool in some pool games. Once and a while I might also play chess.

But it's the same concept with consoles. I usually do wait for a sale.
It depends on what the game is. If it's a Bethesda game definitely day one. Pretty much everything else I can wait for Steam sales. Because I don't like paying full price for games.
I used to be someone who would buy games on day one but nowadays, I don't have as much time to play anymore so I either wait for a sale or do not get the game at all depending on if I know I am going to have time to play.

I always wait for the games to be released as well. This is partly because I always forget to preorder or wait for the games to drop. So, it is not as if it is intentional here.