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Brisk walking


Feb 4, 2022
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Brisk walking is one of the best exercise that people should do on a regular basis.  One should start this form of exercise at least from the age of 30.  This itself will keep the body fit and deter the onset of diabetes, obesity etc.
RE: Brisk walking

Sounds like an iced tea brand but walking around the sidewalk in your neighborhood or moving around and going on a walk is a good thing to do because people don't get out enough.
RE: Brisk walking

Fitness freaks had a tough time during the pandemic with most, if not all, Gym closed due to restrictions enforced by the authorities. Lockdown only worsened their aspirations of keeping their body fit. Many who could afford started investing on indoor exercise machines. For those who couldn't, they have found satisfaction in some outdoor exercises. One of the best exercises I believe is brisk walking. An hour a day of brisk walk can do wonders to your body. It certainly will burn your calories and help lose excess weight or unnecessary fat deposits. It is a great exercise to control blood sugar. Benefits are many. Brisk walking is equally good for the young and elderly.
RE: Brisk walking

A brisk walk is one of the easiest and most effective cardio workouts.  Getting a good pair of sneakers is about all you need to start.