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Brave Browser


Sep 30, 2020
I am into crypto and have been using various types of blockchain to earn money. And my experience so far has been good with the Brave browser for browsing the web and earning the BAT token. This token basically allows you to use the ETH eventually. So reward wise this browser is pretty good.

Have you used Brave Browser?
RE: Brave Browser

Yes, I have used it in the past and don't really like the design. I have also heard about problems over the years that I can't remember were true or not.
RE: Brave Browser

I tried Brave for awhile, but ultimately just settled on the new Microsoft Edge browser, haven't had any issues since making the switch and it runs great and is way less heavy than Chrome, but just as fast.
RE: Brave Browser

Never used it but have heard of it, been using Chrome for a long time now.
RE: Brave Browser

I know someone who likes it and pushes it, I wasn't a fan of it to be honest. I'll stick with firefox but its been irking me too much of late.
RE: Brave Browser

I use Brave browser as they don't sell your information. I want to like it but there’s a downside. I cannot remove the Ad-Blocker for some sites including my own forum at times, so I have to use an alternate browser. I use Google Chrome which seems to work but I'm not sure on the privacy issues.
RE: Brave Browser

I actually made a YouTube video reviewing the Brave Browser. I've blocked over 150,000 ads across the world wide web and earned myself at least 10$+ in Crypto. It's highly worth it, and if you are worried about your privacy, you have nothing to be concerned about.

I already once said, your voice is just nailed those review videos. And genuinely the video is very informative. :giggle:
I had installed the mobile version of the browser, but I didn't earn any BAT tokens even after using it for 5 days. Is there any settings which needs to be enabled for earning those coins?
RE: Brave Browser

I'm into crypto investment too, but i don't fancy my chances again earning some fraction of BAT through brave browser, after they sent my coins out anonymously without my approval.
RE: Brave Browser

I'm into crypto investment too, but i don't fancy my chances again earning some fraction of BAT through brave browser, after they sent my coins out anonymously without my approval.
Atleast you have got some coins. I once used it for almost 10 days at a stretch, but not earned a single penny. I don't know what was the reason, but lastly I had uninstalled it. :cautious:
RE: Brave Browser

Brave browser has an unique business model it strips down all the ads & trackers from the sites and replace them with their Network add if the customer opts them and they get rewarded by their own crypto tokens known as BAT tokens.

Brave Browser claims that they don't store any user information in their network, hence provide greater Privacy.
RE: Brave Browser

Atleast you have got some coins. I once used it for almost 10 days at a stretch, but not earned a single penny. I don't know what was the reason, but lastly I had uninstalled it. :cautious:
I earned more than $1 from it within the space of a month. But when they acrimoniously sent my coins out anonymously without my permission i deemed it fraudulent and stopped using the browser.
RE: Brave Browser

I earned more than $1 from it within the space of a month. But when they acrimoniously sent my coins out anonymously without my permission i deemed it fraudulent and stopped using the browser.
Okay. I think you should contact their support then. In my case, I didn't even earn a single penny. But, I don't think they would compromise with users accounts and privacy. I suggest, You should solve it by contacting them.
RE: Brave Browser

Okay. I think you should contact their support then. In my case, I didn't even earn a single penny. But, I don't think they would compromise with users accounts and privacy. I suggest, You should solve it by contacting them.
I never felt like contacting them, cos I don't want to worry about the single dollar, it made me deleting the app.
RE: Brave Browser

I haven't used it but i read that it blocks many ads and scripts and protects our privacy. Maybe i should give it a try and see how it goes.
RE: Brave Browser

Among the major Chromium browsers, Brave is the only one that's open source.
RE: Brave Browser

I've used it on and off, only to visit specific sites I want to run without ads on it. Tends to work for most of the things I want to do. I do like the idea of letting it run without the url for "app" version of different sites, though I don't particularly like the idea of having to open a separate browser to visit an another site.
I have Brave browser but I could not withdraw BAT tokens because the wallet they offer for BAT withdrawals do not work in my place. I use Brave when I want to browse websites with out seeing ads
RE: Brave Browser

Never used it but have heard of it, been using Chrome for a long time now.
Honestly, I haven’t given brave browser a chance yet either. I’m a fan of google chrome and safari. I’ll give brave a go one of these days though.