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Book Recommendations


Feb 4, 2019
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Feel free to reply with your book recommendations. Today I would like to recommend The Sisters Grimm series. Its a wonderful, thrilling, kickass story about a couple of kids who become fairy tail detectives and just go around solving crimes and beating up bad guys with the help of their old and sort of majestic grandmother. 10/10 would recommend. If anyone has read it, feel free to reply with your favorite part of the series. Also, if you have read it, we are now friends.
RE: Book Recommendations

An older book but a book I have read many times in the past though it's been a while is To Kill a Mocking Bird. If your a huge book reader you may have already read this book but if you haven't it's a classic. It's a classic book about racial prejudice and over coming it. An African American is accused of raping a white woman and they try to attack him later on in the book. I won't ruin it but someone ends up saving him you wouldn't expect. I read this in school and to be honest with you I'm not a huge novel reader but you would like it if you gave it a chance. If your into classic novels you'll like it.
RE: Book Recommendations

I recommend the following;

You may not like or agree but you will learn
RE: Book Recommendations

Here's a quick list from me:

  • Destroyermen by Taylor Anderson
  • Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
  • Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling
  • Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard
  • The Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan
RE: Book Recommendations

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the rest of that series by Stieg Larsson
  • Cross by James Patterson
  • Ice Station by Matthew Reilly
RE: Book Recommendations

Bone gap by Laura Ruby, it's really really good. I've read it twice

I haven't finished it yet, but it's been really good so far. Howl's Moving Castle by Dianna Wayne Jones

Coraline by Neil Gaiman is a really good book. The movie is really good, too. But the book is awesome.
RE: Book Recommendations

The "were world" books are pretty good. One of the first full sets ive ever read.
RE: Book Recommendations

I mostly read manga nowadays, especially horror, but I do have a couple regular novels to recommend:

Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See

The Symphony of Ages series by Elizabeth Haydon
RE: Book Recommendations

If you like horror, I'd recommend reading something by Darcy Coates. I've read "The Haunting of Ashburn House" and "The House Next Door" already and I'm currently in the middle of reading "The Haunting of Gillespie House" at the moment.
RE: Book Recommendations

Atomic Habits by James Clear, it's a wonderful book. We can learn and implement so many things from the book in our life. It's basically nurturing good habits and breaking the bad ones. We can master our tiny behaviours which will lead to remarkable results. There is lot of scope for self improvement. Goal setting, it's process and the patience we need are all explained in the book is in detail clearly.
RE: Book Recommendations

"The last thing he told me" by Laura Dave. It is a very touching, fast-moving thriller about sacrifices we make for our loved ones. Its a good read guarenteed to keep you occupied until you reach the last page.