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BigPete7978 Here!

Welcome Pete! nice to meet you. How did you find us? I'm not sure if you found us on xenforo or forum promotion but I will say that I remember seeing your username on one of the sites. Well either way it's good to have you here. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Welcome.
Welcome Pete! nice to meet you. How did you find us? I'm not sure if you found us on xenforo or forum promotion but I will say that I remember seeing your username on one of the sites. Well either way it's good to have you here. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Welcome.
Found the site on XenForo. Always happy to support fellow website owners :)
Just stopping in to say hello! Most people call me Pete. Hope everyone is good!
Hi Pete! Thanks for joining us!
Pretty cool avatar! and nice to see you around here. Also your website name is pretty cool!