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Best games for partners to play?


Aug 23, 2022
Reaction score
I'm looking games that I can play together with my partner and enjoy it so much. Someone recommended Overcooked but I'm not sure if it's a good one. I'm looking for another good recommendations.
RE: Best games for partners to play?

If you enjoy cooking games, Overcooked is a good choice to play. I have played the game with my girlfriend and she enjoyed it very well.

Until Dawn is another good game for couples to play if you enjoy horror games.
RE: Best games for partners to play?

I simply play FIFA with my woman. That is one game that I have enjoyed playing with her even though she ends up on the losing side most of the time.
RE: Best games for partners to play?

I have heard about Overcooked but I haven't played it. My favourite game with my partner is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. We have played Strawdy Valley too together and it's good as well.
RE: Best games for partners to play?

Diablo 3, League of Legends, Mario Party, Overcooked are some of the games I have played with my partner. If both of you have interest, I think PVP games are very good for partners. But you shouldn't get too much involved otherwise, you will mess up
RE: Best games for partners to play?

Nomad said:
Diablo 3, League of Legends, Mario Party, Overcooked are some of the games I have played with my partner. If both of you have interest, I think PVP games are very good for partners. But you shouldn't get too much involved otherwise, you will mess up
I should check Diablo 3 up next week when I am back to my place. I wish my partner will want to play the game.
I enjoy playing racing games with my partner or multiplayer fighter games like soul Calibur , Street fighter or dragon ball Z.
Any racing game is very good for partners to play. My girlfriend likes playing GT 7 with me all the time.
My best friend and lover likes playing Rocket League with me whenever she comes over for a visit.
I don't have any particular partner to play games with. Except it's playing with my siblings when I was younger. As an adult, I play alone.
Multiplayer sports games like FIFA , Gran Turismo, Moto Gp.

You can Also play fighter games as they are way more interesting in multiplayer modes.