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Ban on PUBG game.


Feb 1, 2022
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Often, considerable thought is given to avoiding any mishaps in our outward world, but have you ever considered what is going on inside us? Do you ever consider what may be worse if our children become enraged at a young age? Consider the pubg game, which is lethally infecting the minds of our children. To avoid any mishaps in the coming days, it is imperative that this game be banned. 
RE: Ban on PUBG game.

Players Unknown Battlegrounds is just a battle royale game. I don't see why it should be banned? Honestly there's no point because it's not really very violent unless your letting a 5 year old play. Surely 12 and up could play no problem.
RE: Ban on PUBG game.

Players Unknown Battlegrounds was or used to be a great game, untill they made it to the point that it died away and hackers just hacked more. I have playhed the game and have like 40 hours worth of playing time. I was ban and then removed the ban when I had prrof that it was not even me. Long story short that I had my steam account hacked and that person then hacked PubG game. 
RE: Ban on PUBG game.

Well it is controlled by Tencent which is a Chinese company so I think they did they part in china by banning kids from playing more than 1h per day I think we shouldn't limit kids, but parents should def try to limit screen time.
RE: Ban on PUBG game.

I do not see why the game shall be banned. It is not the game that causes problems but the mindset of the player. They shall resort to mental care services if they could cause harm to someone over a video game. It is not PUBG that is to blame.
RE: Ban on PUBG game.

They just cooked up so many useless reasons to have the game banned. I don't really see anything that's worth the video game getting banned for. 
RE: Ban on PUBG game.

Martinsx said:
They just cooked up so many useless reasons to have the game banned. I don't really see anything that's worth the video game getting banned for. 
They would say because of violence. But violence is everywhere. Even in the news, every day. Should the news be banned as well? As I've said, the problem is not in the game, but in people who would get aggressive over it.
I believe that China is the first country that banned Players Unknown Battlegrounds. It's one country that's very good at banning video games discriminatory.
The ban isn't general because over people still play PUBG without any hassle and you could find it on your mobile game stores and install.
I wasn't even aware PUBG has been banned in Some countries though, I still know a few people who play PUBG here.
There are some other games like PUBG. If then ban PUBG in my country, I will switch to the other alternatives available.
Kids gaming needs to be monitored. As a parent, you should look into the kind of games your kid's are playing but PUBG shouldn't be banned.
I still play PUBG over though I haven't played the game on my mobile in a few weeks but I could still visit anytime I want.

I think the countries where it is currently Banned would have their reasons for banning the game.
I don't understand why they would be interested in banning a game like PUBG. There far more horrible games than PUBG which deserved to be banned more.
Sir Mjc said:
I don't understand why they would be interested in banning a game like PUBG. There far more horrible games than PUBG which deserved to be banned more.
They can ban PUBG all they want and gamers would still find ways to play it. It's one thing that I'm very sure about.
Martins said:
They can ban PUBG all they want and gamers would still find ways to play it. It's one thing that I'm very sure about.
You're very right about that because I still have some of my friends living in China that still have a way they are playing PUBG even with the ban on the game.
The game was banned by the government in our country and the Supreme court verdict unbanned the game.
The game was banned by the government in our country and the Supreme court verdict unbanned the game.
How can the government ban a game and the supreme court would go ahead and unban it? This should cause a problem between the two sectors of government. 
How can the government ban a game and the supreme court would go ahead and unban it? This should cause a problem between the two sectors of government.
Government can introduce any law they want but if public is not happy they can file a case in the supreme court and revoke the law. This happens in all countries where there is democracy.