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Jan 28, 2021
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Anybody here into Astrology? How much faith do you put into it?

When I searched for a link between astrology & paranormal I found out it is the most popular one out there. Though, it also can be religious based.

Why do you believe in Astrology? Has it had any benefits to your life?

I honestly am on the fence. While I do believe there could be more out there than we think, there's also something to be said about needing proof.
RE: Astrology

People tend to do witchcraft and somehow that's supposedly connected to stars. I have no idea how that could even matter in something like that but certain people still believe that. For example your Zodiac signs apparently have to do with celestial alignment (goes hand and hand) and tarrot card readings apparently have something to do with it. I've never understood how that can be true though. Mostly negative energy is created when someone provokes.
RE: Astrology

I was made to believe like many of us that the planetary alignments do have a say in how humans behave and how their positionings at the time of birth can actually decide the character and future of child. Astrology is a science which was practiced to perfection in the early days. Its hard to find a good genuine astrologer. Of late people have been duped in the name of astrology as everyone is interested in knowing what their future holds. As a result people have lost faith in this science.
RE: Astrology

Everything is in a cycle from the universe to a person's life. Astrology tries to connect these two cycles. Astrology was actually introduced to motivate people when they are feeling down and to give them confidence.

But now many are using astrology as a tool to scare their Subscribers and to charge money to do some rituals to make their life better...

The best future is what we create ourself
RE: Astrology

I believe everything has a place. Some things were abandoned in the past, because of people pressuring for the abandonment of certain things like Astrology, because people thought things like that was way out there, and shouldn't belong in certain circles and in society. I think that if used in the context of connecting the dots between different things, that it could be useful to help identify how ones self matters in this world.
RE: Astrology

Astrology is an ancient science which I suppose was practised since ages in many asian countries. India is one such country where it is still considered a holy ritual to consult an astrologer before starting anything auspicious. I believe in astrology. I believe that the astrological charts which they prepare to know about the life's path which you are destined to take, can reveal a lot about you, your character, your success in life and so many other parameters. True, there is no proof regarding the authenticity of such readings, but then not all things can be explained nor understood.