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Ask the Next Person A Question Game


Retired Staff
Apr 18, 2018
Reaction score
It works by having the OP post a question. The next person who replies answers the question, and then asks a question of their own. The next poster replies to that question, and then posts a question of their own. And so on.

What is you're favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni. Who would you choose to be President if you could choose anyone?
Chuck Mawhinney, is a american sniper having recorded 103 confirmed kills and 216 "probable kills" in his 16 months of action.

How is the weather where you live right now?
Clear and cold. Tomorrow we're having the same 17ºC as of today.

Is there a soccer team you support?
Hm, i should check your streams before i can tell, i mostly follow chess streams xD

What was the last horror film (a good one) that you saw?
nothing really i liek seethers stuff

Would you check me out on twitter and twitch @jeffshuford1 for twitter and twitch.tv/mr_cr3am ? :) I do tons of giveaways and good ones!
I did a couple of days ago, i was busy so i couldn't keep it up much, i'm having lots of things to do and sadly only on weekends i can do stuff. :(

Do you buy shoes on Amazon/Ebay or whatever platform?
I was watching my team's game last night and was a heartbreaking result 3-3 :(

Do you plan to travel on your next vacations?
Yep, going to Charlotte and Myrtle Beach.

Do you plan to get the Disney+ streaming service?
I don't think so, i'm not a fan of streaming services. I just watch chess streams on Twitch and youtube lol.

Is there any good movie to watch tonight? (please do not mention avengers: end game)
I'll assume you're going / went to the cinema? There's nothing I'd bother with, stay at home and watch an old favourite.. :coffee:

..because I can't be bothered to Google it and I need a question anyway, what does "Fon Degurechaff" mean?
I have one pair of sneakers, I typically where cowboy, and work boots.

What is your favorite genre of music?
Traditional Old School British Heavy Metal.

Have you ever followed your favorite band on their tour in other continent?
Not so good right now but we're coping with the situation.

Do you like chess?