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Are you spending your time wisely with games?


May 4, 2018
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Recently I've gotten busy with school task and personal development and well after countless games that I play I felt like all those hours can be used to sleep or study. As some people spend time in different games either catching up with ranks or their world progress. I spend lots of time riding a dream trying to reach a high rank in games like overwatch, Deadbydaylight, Valorant, MobileLegends, PUBGMobile. And well I do realize I've used a lot of those time to sleep and do more personal development. Then once I'm committed ind doing something I felt like those are wasted the progress in ark or a Minecraft world left abandoned. Overall I don't want to feel like those countless hours spent to be wasted since they are memories but by playing I used my time to not sleep or join some events. Currently, I felt like I've achieved that balance of playing and doing everything else adequately but i do realize decisions must be made. I could just cut gaming out of my schedule and focus on my personal development and future but ill be reducing my time to play and hang out with my friends. So what do you people think ? Could those progress that made us happy temporarily or permanently be important for our limited time or all those progress and memories to be a robbed oppurtunity to grow myself.
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

I would say so. I don't play as much as I spend time on the computer. Spending time on the computer can sometimes be more productive depending on what your doing. I can sometimes play 2 hours a day and other times it's less. Though if my health was better, I would be playing far more. I think 4 hours a day isn't terrible when it comes to gaming. Sometimes it's okay to even play more then 4 hours. Ranking up is a lot of what causes people to play extended periods of time. I enjoy trying to rank up in call of duty. So far I've been playing black ops cold war and have made it to prestige 4.
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

I'm always thinking about what's next to do, regards gaming and streaming and at times it takes over your life and not doing anything else. Yeah, I do mostly flights sims related to anything else and it's a realism and learning point of the viewer but still looking at the screen and not doing anything else, even not spending time with family and helping to do work around the house.
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

Playing and doing stuff you like is good, but don't try just that, you need to rest well and also study. It's a pain to have alarms to almost anything.. but this is the world we live in :(

I barely play nowadays, i bought games on steam that i never even installed it
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

I used to play games instead of doing school work.. I didn't revise, I put minimal effort in to my coursework, and got average grades as a result.

Now I continue to buy loads of games, but have so little time to actually play them. My backlog just continues to increase.. :LOL:
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

I've learned to not waste a ton of time playing games. It gets pretty difficult to do some things around the house, if I focus just on games. If I do play, it won't be any longer than the average 2-3 hour movie.
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

It's hard to say. Some video games, like Grand Theft Auto Five, I'll play and what can feel like a minute, is an hour, and what feels like an hour turns into a day. I do have to be time cautious and focus on my online projects and career prospects aswell. It's about finding the right balance which is a challenge. 
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

Games that I always tend to play or do in my case since I do simulators only. So I give you an example, flight sim. I always give time wisely and at times three to eight hours can go by. I do it realism as I can, even going on real networks and talk to ATC and they are real people on the other en of the microphone.  CSGO afterwards. games that you tend to spend good time on and other games ended up getting unused. 
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

Nope, I am somewhat addicted, and my sleep and personal life suffers sometimes from it. I try to be better, but gaming is my escape from reality so...it's kinda difficult to get read of your only venting system :S
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

I don't get time to play nowadays. I hardly play on the weekends as a stress buster. Am not a person who is addicted to games. It is very important to use time wisely.
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

If you are ever addicted to video games, it's definitely going to be very difficult for you to know exactly how to manage your time with playing them. 
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

I think recently I've been spending my time with video games pretty wisely. When I feel I need to play a game or two, I'll do it if I don't have anything else that is important to do. But I definitely don't spend that much time gaming as I used to before.
RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games?

I play during the weekend. I don't even have any big deal doing so since I enjoy playing most times when I am free from work. Planning when to play games help you manage the time.
I enjoy playing videogames and it is my favorite thing to do anytime I just want to chill and have a good time.

Everyone knows what works best for them and if you think playing videogames at any particular moment isn't the best option for you then there is Virtually no need to engage in it.
It's only when I have time to play video games that I'm actually going to play it. So, when it comes to spending time with my playing of video games, I believe that I do so judiciously!

I wish I had more time to play games like I used to when I was still a kid.
Videogames are just a leisure for me as I have other things I do with my time.

I always try to have some rest and sometime I just play videogames when I am too tired to do anything else.
I only play video games for 1 hour and 30 minutes at most.

It's only when I'm on vacation that I play games for more hours. It was when I was addicted that I can play 7 hours.
I used to play video games too much because I was addicted. I could go a whole day playing games without doing anything else. But now, I play my games wisely because I have other better things to do.
Mr Bong said:
I used to play video games too much because I was addicted. I could go a whole day playing games without doing anything else. But now, I play my games wisely because I have other better things to do.
Once responsibilities set in, one got to play games wisely especially when the bills are on you and no one else.
Video games are just a leisure activity for me and no matter how long or how much time I decide to spend playing video in a day it is never a waste to me.