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Are you a saver or a spender?

RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

I am a spender unfortunately. I have tried to save money for the rainy day but it inadvertently get being spent on something which fancies me. Yes, I am an impulsive spender and more often than not I have regretted being one. I spent mostly on electronics. I do hope to keep aside a good sum and hopefully not touch it once I am on a regular job with decent pay.
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

Not that I don't spend money, I spend when the need be. I enjoy saving money for long, cos of future emergencies.
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

I usually save and I wait until there are sales before I buy something. I have quite a bit of money in my savings account
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

I had been through a time where I faced financial crises and wasn’t able to save a penny. After I started earning enough, I quit buying non essential items and still learning how can I save more money.
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

22_22 said:
When it comes to spending money, which one are you? Do you like to splash the cash or do you prefer to keep it in the bank for a rainy day?
Do you make smart purchases or are they quite impulsive? What kind of things do you like to spend your money on?
One thing that's very common in my country is that, most people spend more than they earn simply because they have lots of responsibilities to take care of with poor paying jobs. 
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

There is no saver who isn't a spender but there is a spender who is not a saver. So, I would put myself in the first category of saver who is a spender. 
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

Anachiwo said:
There is no saver who isn't a spender but there is a spender who is not a saver. So, I would put myself in the first category of saver who is a spender. 
There is always one end point for the spender who's not a saver and it's being bankrupt in the end when his money is completely wasted. 
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

I'm a saver. I've thought a lot about why I'm a saver and it really comes down to security. I value having a safety net in case anything goes wrong. When I was around nine or ten my parents had to declare bankruptcy and i was always worried that we wouldn't have enough money to survive. ANd since My nan is a bank, she;s great at handling money, that's where I got it from. 

 my parents never had much money but we were always fed and clothed. But that experience of seeing my parents stressed and worried and fighting is something that was seared into my young brain.
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

A SAVER! I like to save money and invest wisely each month. There is no point in saving and keeping it as it is. We have to save smart and invest wisely. Managing personal finances can be challenging in the initial stage. But budgeting can make it easier. It's not that I don't spend. I spend minimal only for my needs. Am not the type of spending lavishly also.
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

I'm somewhere in between. I like to try to put away money for the future; but, there come times when I have to buy something. I like to try to keep my savings account with a decent nest egg; but, I also want to be able to live and enjoy life.
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

bittersweet said:
I'm somewhere in between. I like to try to put away money for the future; but, there come times when I have to buy something. I like to try to keep my savings account with a decent nest egg; but, I also want to be able to live and enjoy life.
Seriously, that's the only thing that I can understand very well because you can't just save money and save money till what happens? You die? 

No never!!! I'm definitely going to take part in enjoying my money and still keep on saving. 
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

Heatman said:
No never!!! I'm definitely going to take part in enjoying my money and still keep on saving. 
I completely understand. Enjoy life, you can't take your wealth with you when you go.
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

bittersweet said:
I completely understand. Enjoy life, you can't take your wealth with you when you go.
That's the essence of having money in my perspective. In as much as its meant to be saved, it's equally meant to be spent on important things. 
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

22_22 said:
When it comes to spending money, which one are you? Do you like to splash the cash or do you prefer to keep it in the bank for a rainy day?
Do you make smart purchases or are they quite impulsive? What kind of things do you like to spend your money on?
I don't like to waste my money unnecessarily because I know how difficult it is to make a singe dime that I have. Before I spend my money on anything, it must be something important. 
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

Martinsx said:
I don't like to waste my money unnecessarily because I know how difficult it is to make a singe dime that I have. Before I spend my money on anything, it must be something important. 
When you know how difficult it is to make money, you will definitely be very cautious when it comes to how you spend the money on anything. 
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

22_22 said:
When it comes to spending money, which one are you? Do you like to splash the cash or do you prefer to keep it in the bank for a rainy day?
Do you make smart purchases or are they quite impulsive? What kind of things do you like to spend your money on?
I try as much as I can to save at least 20% of my earnings every month but it gets difficult for me most of the time because my responsibilities gets bigger by the day. 
Mr Bong said:
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

I try as much as I can to save at least 20% of my earnings every month but it gets difficult for me most of the time because my responsibilities gets bigger by the day.
I have come to the conclusion that my money needs to be enjoyed by me too. As much as I work hard to save, I also spend too because it's the one I eat that I will carry and go when I die.
Anachiwo said:
RE: Are you a saver or a spender?

When you know how difficult it is to make money, you will definitely be very cautious when it comes to how you spend the money on anything.
No one makes money for you and no one gives you money when you're broke. Even getting jobs now is very difficult.
22_22 said:
When it comes to spending money, which one are you? Do you like to splash the cash or do you prefer to keep it in the bank for a rainy day?

Do you make smart purchases or are they quite impulsive? What kind of things do you like to spend your money on?
I save and spend my money judiciously. I can't have myself go bankrupt all of a sudden for being extravagant.
I help my husband very well when it comes to saving money for the family. 

He put me in charge of managing the family's savings. 