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Oct 26, 2020
Does anybody here still visit Arcades? What have been some of your most favored games to play? It must have been a good few years since I last went to one, but my pick would be the coin slot machines. I never actually made a return, but it's fun going in with a set amount of money and seeing what you're coming out with. I loved playing Space Invaders in gaming, but since this whole world-wide pandemic started, most of the outlets have been closed anyway.
RE: Arcades

I used to enjoy playing Hydro Thunder the boat racing game and different racing games like Grand Turismo. I personally haven't been to one in a long time. I also enjoyed a bit of Tekken here and there and who can forget Marvel VS Capcom.
RE: Arcades

Arcades are rare to come by these days. However, if I go on vacation and happen to stumble across one, I tend to stay there for a few hours at a time playing the classic games they have on display, and if there's an MK2 cabinet, you can pretty much leave me there til closing lol.
RE: Arcades

me and my pals might spend some time at a small one at a local movie theater after a movie. Otherwise not really and a sad thing they are dying online.
RE: Arcades

I'm actually in the process of building my own arcade machine. I have a custom OS and countless games from all consoles include of course MAME :) all the way up to N64 as of now.

As for going to arcades there's none here sadly. But there was an amazing one in Texas I use to go to called Bit Bar. It was an arcade bar, you'd just drink and play old arcade games which was a blast.
RE: Arcades

I miss arcades, but they haven't been able to compete with the experience you get at home for quite some time. Arcades used to be about solid quality games you couldn't see the equal of at home. Now, the consoles and your PC are every bit as capable as the arcade machines, if not more so. Plus, pricing works against arcades. These days "good" as in flashy games with a gun or a racing game are .50 to $1 a play. A few hours of that and you might as well just go buy a game for the PS4 or 360, and it'll be yours to keep.

Every kid would blow $5 every Friday at the arcade. That would last about 3 or 4 hours. Hearing the great story and the way that people got together and travelled to the location. Nowadays what's left as being open, only opens in summer and when seasons pick up.
RE: Arcades

Arcades used to be THE place for teenagers to visit...until the gangs took over. At least, that's what happened where I lived growing up. I would love to see more arcades open up again because I'm out in the country and there isn't much for teenagers to do around here besides bowling.
RE: Arcades

I'm of the older generation so arcades were the IN thing. The place to hang out. Just so long as you have plenty of quarters with you. I haven't been to one in so long. I honestly don't know if there are any local.
RE: Arcades

There are atleast a few arcades within an hour driving distance where I live. Love playing them on occasion, to bring back memories of playing pong, mortal combat, and some racing games. Always fun to see what my nieces and nephews think of them, when we head out. Most of the time they hadn't seen them before, and quickly ends up stuck on one or two of them, because of how different it is.