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Anyone use Yahoo?

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I was a big user of Yahoo back in the day. I used the email, the chat, and the groups (now done away with). Who else has used the chat and groups?
I stopped using Yahoo mail since I lost my account and couldn't find a means to recover it. It was really a painful experience for me.
The first email service I used was hotmail and yahoo mail was my second service. I had to two accounts with yahoo, I lost access to one account and I had to close my second mail account because I was receiving a lot of spam
I was a big user of Yahoo back in the day. I used the email, the chat, and the groups (now done away with). Who else has used the chat and groups?
I also used their chat service, but not groups. I loved when their had their yahoo ad network that was similar to google adsense. I made a decent amount of money with it.
I have not used Yahoo in such a long time. I think the last time I used Yahoo would have been around 2008 - 2009.