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Anyone like PC gaming?

RE: Anyone like PC gaming?

Snowwhite said:
PC gaming was during my school and college days......LOL! But yeah this is the easiest way for gamers to play their game with all the controllers.
Yeah, when you easily have access to a PC gaming system, it's going to be very easy for you to get into playing video games with it. 
I started PC gaming because I did not have additional money to buy consoles. Later when I bought Playstation 4, I continued with PC gaming because I was more comfortable with PC gaming.
I enjoy PC gaming from time to time but due to my work and hectic schedule, I find that having time to play video games is not always possible so I don't play games on my laptop as much as I should.

There are a few games I have seen released that I would love to play so I am hoping I will have some time soon.
Honestly I prefer playing on a console, but I don't mind playing some games on PC, especially if I cant get them on a console.
Huge PC gamer here. I started off as a console player but in the 2010s, I transitioned over to main PC gaming and I haven't really looked back. Mind you, I do own consoles like a Nintendo Switch and a PS5 but the PC is my main gaming device.