I remember playing it on the Nintendo 64 (back in the 90s). It was as good as Mario! Anyway, I can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone still play it?
There releasing a new version of this for Nintendo Switch that's supposed to release soon. I did a quick Google search and found that out. Though they did release it for the Xbox One on Rare Replay if I recall. I believe that was apart of the Rare Replay bundle.
I loved the heck out of both games back in the N64 days, even though there was certain levels I didn't enjoy, I still played them often and they were always fun from the sound effects to turning into different things to get where you needed to go to get the jiggies.
Though I don't think the Switch is getting a game anytime soon.
I never grew up on it or anything, but I'd heard how good it was and played both it and Tooie through emulation and on the Rare Replay bundle. I only found out about the series because Nuts and Bolts was bundled with my Xbox 360. I am not a fan of that game at all, it was quite clunky and my hate for it was before comparing it to the other great games in the series. I wish I could eventually play the originals on the Nintendo 64 and I occasionally listen to the soundtrack.
OH YEAH RARE REPLAY! When my friend visits I have to suggest he bring it up and I can try it. I may have given it a short play and I think my next door neighbor had a copy.
I enjoyed it, I believe they made a remake of it recently. I never played it for a little on the N64 and it's actually one of the few games I don't currently own for the N64 so I'll probably have to go and pick it up soon
I haven't played it on the N64 (I've never owned that console), I did pick it up on the Xbox 360 but found it pretty average and didn't really bother with it.
I guess the nostalgia factor isn't really there if you have no previous experience!