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Alzheimer's disease

Ja sa bong

Feb 2, 2022
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Do you know anyone that's suffering from Alzheimer's disease and recovered from it? 
RE: Alzheimer's disease

No but it's hard to recover from for most older people. When you lose your memory that can be extremely hard to recover from. Even turrets is more easily treatable but some people do recover and live healthy lives though it's extremely difficult.
RE: Alzheimer's disease

My mom has it and it's horrible.  However, she's better than what her caretakers say.  I think they make assumptions about her.  Once one even was cynical about me taking her to dinner, because she wouldn't remember.  Well, someone's young child won't remember anything either, so you shouldn't take them special places?
Alzheimer disease isn't something to take lightly. I hope that it's not something that I would face when I grow older.

I have seen some older people suffering from it and it's hard to treat. I'm not sure if it's got a cure.
I don't know Alzheimer disease and cancer which one is more worst. They are both horrible sickness.
Sparrow said:
I don't know Alzheimer disease and cancer which one is more worst. They are both horrible sickness.
I won't choose between any of them. I wonder why such illness exist?
This disease is one of the reason why getting old is a very big thing to worry for many people because it is a disease which most old people suffer when things get ugly on their path.
I have been fortunate not to have any of my family member to suffer from this kind of disease when they got old. I wouldn't want to have any experience with it either when I am old.
This disease is one of the reason why getting old is a very big thing to worry for many people because it is a disease which most old people suffer when things get ugly on their path.
It is for this reason that most people get the scared when they start aging because they know what they are going to face in their old age which there is no chance of surviving it.