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5K Post Goal Recently Met. Also back in action after getting new laptop


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Hey guys I haven't been recently active only for the past month or so because my laptop had broken and I had to get a new one. However I now have one that is much better than the one I had before and it just got sent to me today.

We recently met our first goal of 5K posts. Now I was planning on giving out an award to those who made at least 1 post before we reached the goal but as my original sticky announcement states we still need to reach 1K Threads as well as 5K Posts. So far we have close to 900 threads.

It won't be too far off from now. What I plan on doing is having a thread to request the special award and sticky it so anyone who made at least 1 post could receive it before the date we reach this goal.

This will also give users more time to be eligible for the award. I'll keep everyone posted. Glad to be back :D
Congrats on hitting 5k, and I can't wait to see you around again!
Welcome back! I hope things are better now. I feel that this will grow massively from now on.

Keep it up!