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3D Audio on Ps5?


Aug 24, 2022
Reaction score
When playing on Playstation 5, do you make use of the 3D Audio or is it something you don't consider at all? If you do, what is your experience like?
RE: 3D Audio on Ps5?

I am still hoping to have the opportunity to play any new video games on PlayStation 5 because it seems to be the most popular video game console in the world today. If I eventually get the chance to play on it I am going to try out everything that I've heard about it including this 3D audio.
RE: 3D Audio on Ps5?

I've only managed to play on PlayStation 5 only once at my friend's place and I have not been able to explore the console very well to know so many things that I need to know about how to play on it. I'm still going to check out this 3D Audio soon.
RE: 3D Audio on Ps5?

I literally don't have any idea what 3D Audio is all about on Playstation 5.

If you have access to any YouTube video explaining what it's all about, please I would be interested in watching it.
RE: 3D Audio on Ps5?

I had to look it up on Playstation Store and found out how to set it up.

It's not that difficult to do if you know exactly what you're doing.

RE: 3D Audio on Ps5?

I had to look it up on Playstation Store and found out how to set it up.It's not that difficult to do if you know exactly what you're doing.

From the information in this picture, it's very easy to understand how to set up 3D Audio. I'm going to update my brother on this one so that he set his own up.
When I buy my own Playstation 5, then I will concern myself with worrying about about the 3D Audio feature on the console when I'm playing video games on it. 