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  1. R

    Spam Flood

    Yes thank you
  2. R

    Gun Control

    I understand but remember there is always a blackmarkter people will find a way to get a gun and even in Nepal i am sure people have guns illegly.
  3. R

    What console do you use?

    Playstation 5
  4. R

    Last Game Played?

    Last game i played was Roblox
  5. R

    Folding Smartphones

    i do not like them as i prefer my iphone
  6. R

    Do you like it when someone washes your clothes?

    Yeah my girlfriend does and it makes my life easie.r
  7. R


    Welcome to my Cafetalk
  8. R

    Spam Flood

    That is not what i mean by Spam Flood. i am referencing the amount of time between posts.
  9. R

    New MyCafeTalk goal. Can we reach 50,000 posts?

    Yes but if u have 20,000 ur next goal should be 30,000 not 100 u should give a reasonable goal step by step
  10. R

    Current Generation is Weak says Top Army Medical Officers

    They arent lying though Gen-Z is soft.
  11. R

    Last Game Played?

    Last game i played was Roblox
  12. R


    I remember that man i wish they would reinvent the old pokemon games like they did with the rom hacks
  13. R

    How long will youtube last?

    Youtube is not going anywhere
  14. R

    Sex Education in School

    They really need to bring it back
  15. R

    Is Russia a democracy?

    Not a chance in hell they are a democracy lol
  16. R

    Who likes Communism?

    I hate communism
  17. R


    i think every woman should have the right to do what they want with their body i am Pro-Choice.
  18. R

    Spam Flood

    I highly suggest either lowering or Shutting it off completly.
  19. R

    What genre?

    I like Sports Games like NBA 2k25 NHL2k Etc.
  20. R

    24 hour time versus 12 hour time.

    I love using military time