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  1. Bawse

    Do you buy games every year?

    I buy at least a couple new games every year. I try to look for online deals when I get my games.
  2. Bawse

    Anyone like PC gaming?

    Honestly I prefer playing on a console, but I don't mind playing some games on PC, especially if I cant get them on a console.
  3. Bawse

    The Rise of Mobile Gaming

    A lot of games are cross platform available on both PC, and Mobile. I believe mobile gaming will continue to rise in 2024.
  4. Bawse

    Free Game Engines

    Has anyone used any game engines? There's some game engines you can download for free, and start learning game development such as Unity or UDK(Unreal Engine).
  5. Bawse

    What is your all-time favorite PC game, and what makes it so special to you?

    World of Warcraft or Diablo Immortal. I love open world mmo's that's why I enjoy these games.
  6. Bawse

    Digital or Hard Copies of Games

    Do you prefer to own digital/online copies of your games or hard copies? I don't buy hard copies anymore. All my games are on my PSN account. I prefer to buy my games online, and have them saved to my account.
  7. Bawse

    How many games have you purchased for Xbox?

    What games do you own for any xbox console? Do you have digital or hard copies?
  8. Bawse

    What type of mobile games do you prefer?

    I prefer war or strategy games when I'm gaming on mobile. What type of games do you like to play on mobile?
  9. Bawse

    If you could live in any video game world for a week, which one would you choose and why?

    Pokemon for sure, and so I can catch Pokemon, and battle them. I think that'd be super cool.
  10. Bawse

    Who is your fav Youtubers?

    I think it's one of the only ones where all their pranks are not scripted. They've also pranked eachother. The reactions don't seem scripted either.
  11. Bawse

    How did you learn game development/design?

    I started with online tutorials, and UDK. I messed around with Cry Engine, and Unity a bit too. How did you start with learning game design?
  12. Bawse

    Bawse/Brandon is here

    Hello everyone, I've been a member for a few weeks. Thought I'd make a post here. I like sports games, and war/strategy games mostly.
  13. Bawse

    Who is your fav Youtubers?

    Top Notch Idiots. They're pranksters, and do it better than anyone else on Youtube.
  14. Bawse

    Have you played any hacked games?

    I've downloaded hacked versions of old Pokemon games before, because the hacked versions are better than the originals. What hacked games have you played?
  15. Bawse

    King of Avalon

    I'm getting Data on my phone again, and I'm probably going to start playing King of Avalon. I use to play, and I had I high level base before I got bored. Anyone on here play King of Avalon or play it before?
  16. Bawse

    What game irritates you?

    Games that have too many ads, and stop gameplay with video ads. I also don't play games that are 100% automated. I like games where you need to do tasks to level up.
  17. Bawse

    Free or Paid Games on smartphone?

    I usually always get only free games, and I don't pay for addons in the games. I try to earn it for free if it's possible.
  18. Bawse

    Any good simulator games on mobile?

    Sim City? It's a city builder, but still kind of a simulator game. You can play it offline too, and it updates when you go back online.
  19. Bawse

    Desktop or Laptop for PC gaming?

    Desktops you can make them more powerful. I would prefer to use a Desktop for PC gaming with a wireless controller.
  20. Bawse

    What are the best exclusives for Xbox?

    What exclusives for Xbox do you enjoy the most? Halo was always one of my favorites. Any other Xbox exclusives worth checking out?