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  1. S

    damn shoulder

    RE: damn shoulder We believe it's more work related considering I work in a warehouse.
  2. S

    damn shoulder

    Not sure what i've done to my shoulder, but for the past 3 weeks i've been in pain, more so last week, I had to do the last 3 days of the week on 300mg painkillers + ibrufin. - 2 days rest, pain was gone but come work the next day, I think I lasted an hour? Doctor thinks i've pulled something...
  3. S

    Fries or Chips?

    RE: Fries or Chips? I'd prefer the fish and chips kind. I don't like the fries ones unless it's mcdonalds fries, they are delic!
  4. S

    Hello MindPiff

    Welcome homie.
  5. S

    Your current Phone?

    RE: Your current Phone? Samsung 10, but I also own x2 Samsung 9s and i've just found my old Honor 7.. all three have cracked screens.
  6. S

    Your favorite Sauces?

    RE: Your favorite Sauces? Tomato. And burger relish when i'm eating a take away burger. Salad cream for ham and stuff.
  7. S

    How do you like your Tea?

    RE: How do you like your Tea? Teabag, 2 lumps of sugar followed by hot water and a tad bit of milk, stirred but not shaken. and finally, tea bag out.
  8. S


    Welcome to the forum! :}
  9. S

    ShockPoint | Web Hosting

  10. S

    Anyone hates IPB?

    RE: Anyone hates IPB? I've not paid much attention to forums over the years, but a quick look at how IPB have changed and I quite like the default forum theme (if it's similar to their community forums). It's deffinately not the worst paid software by first glance, but it's also not the best...
  11. S

    Bing is better than Google

    RE: Bing is better than Google What's Bing? haha, seriously though, it's google for me.. it took me awhile to figure out why my google searches after hitting submit kept loading Bing results though, crafty buggers.
  12. S

    Where you from? America? God save the Queen! I just hope Charles abdicates in favour of...

    Where you from? America? God save the Queen! I just hope Charles abdicates in favour of William.. Nothing against him but he's too old fashioned for the modern era we currently live in and well, who'd want Camilla has Queen? there was outcry when she wanted the princess title. I can actually...
  13. S

    Does anyone use Twitter?

    RE: Does anyone use Twitter? To be honest with you, I've been using twitter more and more this past year.. not sure why considering i'm usually a facebook geek, lol
  14. S

    Does anyone use Twitter?

    RE: Does anyone use Twitter? I use it for promoting my radio show and website updates.. and random tweets.
  15. S

    Experience a website hacking?

    RE: Experience a website hacking? Back in my younger years, I owned a forum based around a virtual game, it got hacked by sql injection. Thankfully they never had cPanel access so my database was secure, the account affected wasn't master admin either, so they couldn't view the user tab in...
  16. S

    Thank you. Looking forward to getting to know you all :)

    Thank you. Looking forward to getting to know you all :)
  17. S

    What did you last watch?

    What did you last watch? I've just watched game of thrones.
  18. S

    ShockPoint | Web Hosting

    * Mr TopSilver has kindly allowed me to post *   USE COUPON FOR 25% OFF: PIFF25 England & Canada Server Locations England Reseller Location coming soon. http://https://ShockPoint.co.uk ShockPoint provides hosting services to both individuals and small businesses. Our economy hosting...
  19. S

    Does anyone remember Good Ole PHP Nuke? From back in the day

    RE: Does anyone remember Good Ole PHP Nuke? From back in the day Good luck! PHP is basically the same as html just abit more coding by mind rather than using simple <html> tags. atleast, that's what I think haha
  20. S

    What did you last eat?

    What did you last eat? I ate a packet of crisps.