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  1. C

    Last Game Played?

    RE: Last Game Played? Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
  2. C

    Series X or PS5?

    RE: Series X or PS5? Xbox currently, always had both consoles before this generation though.
  3. C

    Favorite Windows

    RE: Favorite Windows Grew up using Windows 3.1 but would probably say XP closely followed by Windows 10
  4. C

    What made you smile today?

    RE: What made you smile today? Not going to work for a few days, nice long weekend :)
  5. C

    Last Movie Watched?

    RE: Last Movie Watched? Black Widow, actually enjoyed it
  6. C

    Your favorite Takeaways?

    RE: Your favorite Takeaways? Pizza, Indian, Chinese, McDonald’, KFC. I could go on but I won’t
  7. C

    Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years?

    RE: Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years? Retired and enjoying life
  8. C

    Changing the appearance of Windows?

    RE: Changing the appearance of Windows? I don't change anything these days apart from the wallpaper. Few years ago I used to use the patched uxtheme.dll to change things, not anymore though.
  9. C

    Do you believe in life on other planets?

    RE: Do you believe in life on other planets? Yes, there are so many other planets out there at least one of them will have life on it.
  10. C

    Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

    RE: Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal I’ve never experienced anything myself so no, need to see it myself to believe it.
  11. C

    Do you smoke?

    RE: Do you smoke? No, never smoked. Too many family members died from cancer over the years
  12. C

    Console Wars

    RE: Console Wars I used to buy both consoles each generation, now Just stick to one which is normally Xbox
  13. C

    Anyone like PC gaming?

    RE: Anyone like PC gaming? Already got a monitor, Acer Predator X34p. It’s a 34 inch ultrawide display
  14. C

    Canva Templates

    RE: Canva Templates Never heard of it, just taken a look and looks good.
  15. C

    Anyone like PC gaming?

    RE: Anyone like PC gaming? I do game on PC but not as much as I used to, currently put the spec together for a new build.
  16. C

    Last Game Played?

    RE: Last Game Played? Assassins Creed Valhalla
  17. C

    Leasing vs. Purchasing?

    RE: Leasing vs. Purchasing? Always buy cars outright, never like leasing them.
  18. C

    What "diet" do you follow?

    RE: What "diet" do you follow? None, as long as you eat sensibly you should be fine.
  19. C

    Favourite Android Brand?

    RE: Favourite Android Brand? Been using Google Pixel for the last few years, bought the original one and now using Pixel 4 XL
  20. C

    How often do you get a new phone?

    RE: How often do you get a new phone? Normally every 3-4 years, too expensive to get a new one more often