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  1. kensonplays

    What's Your Favorite Dinosaur?

    What is your #1 favorite dinosaur? If you can't pick just one, what are your top 3? I would easily say that my #1 favorite is the Spinosaurus. Duh. :P
  2. kensonplays

    Do You Trust Free Wifi, or Need a VPN?

    I do not trust free wifi when going around town, on trips and vacations, etc. I always have a VPN turned on when I'm on the go and not at home. Free Wifi can have people snooping on what you're sending to the web, and because of that I always turn a VPN on when I'm not at my house. Mobile and...
  3. kensonplays

    DaVinci Resolve or Premiere Pro?

    Which of the two software do you prefer for video editing? I prefer DaVinci Resolve, since Resolve has a free plan that allows 99% of hobbyists to edit videos at zero cost, even to publish on YouTube and more. DaVinci Resolve does have a paid software for a one-time $295 fee, or a bit more if...
  4. kensonplays

    Affinity Photo or Photoshop?

    I personally use the Affinity suite. This includes Photo, Designer, and I forget the last one cause I haven't actually used it yet. It's significantly more affordable than Photoshop, especially for hobbyists. Adobe is really only worth it if your making double the amount or more per month on...