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  1. Yarik

    Do you spend on cosmetic items?

    Cosmetic items only have a visual effect, there's really nothing else to them that we could benefit from. But still, many players spend money to buy skins for their characters or weapons in their favourite games. Myself, I've spent around $150 on cosmetic items. I played around a month with...
  2. Yarik

    Have you ever had a game gifted to you?

    Have you ever had a game gifted to you? What was it, and who gifted it to you? A friend of mine gifted me Stardew Valley some years ago. We wanted to play it together, but I didn't have it. So he just decided to gift it to me. We didn't finish the game, but we had a lot of fun with it. Aside...
  3. Yarik

    Do you play until late at night?

    As a teenager, I used to stay up to 3-4 AM to play video games during the weekends. I just couldn't get enough of it, as I had many other things to do during the day. But luckily, I've learnt better not to do that anymore. I don't want to ruin my sleeping schedule again. Until what time do you...
  4. Yarik

    Do you buy games only on a sale?

    I always wait for a sale to buy new video games. I use Steam, and there are spring, summer, autumn, and winter sales every year. I'm not in a rush, as I have games that I need to finish before starting new ones. The only game I remember that I got at full price was GTA V. I was just too excited...
  5. Yarik

    Jurassic World Evolution 2

    Everyone who likes dinos would love this video game! I've played the first one and I totally liked it. And I've been waiting for quite some time now for the second video game. Is anyone here going  to be playing Jurassic World Evolution 2? If so, it's currently on 40% sale! So, grab the hot deal...
  6. Yarik

    If you could transform into a video game character...

    Which character would you choose? You have every video game in front of you to choose from! Myself, I'd like to become my character from GTA Online. And I think it's pretty simple why. Millions of dollars, houses, vehicles, yachts, planes, businesses and many more. It would be such a dream...
  7. Yarik

    Would you join the army?

    Have you ever considered joining the army? I actually wanted to join the army to gather experience and add new skills to my set in life. It would be good knowing combat techniques and getting the training. Plus on top of that, you get prestige in the society. What do you think? Would you join...
  8. Yarik

    ARK 2

    Is anyone here waiting for the release of ARK 2? I heard there's going to be a rich in story singleplayer mode. And the main character there will be Vin Diesel! It's set to become available somewhere in 2022 I've played the first ARK game and I liked it. So I'm excited for the second one! But...
  9. Yarik

    When will WW3 happen?

    When do you think World War III will happen? If Ukraine joins NATO I think it won't take long for WW3 to break out. I hope it will be avoided and things come with peace. War is one of the worst things in this world but sometimes it's inevitable. What are your thoughts on this?
  10. Yarik

    How often do you clean your PC?

    It's important to keep your PC clean. It will help lowering the temperatures, noise, and overall, it will increase the lifespan of your hardware.  I clean my computer every 2 months to keep it fresh. How often do you clean yours?
  11. Yarik

    Muscle memory when gaming

    When gaming, you develop muscle memory making frequent moves easier for you and improving your skills at the game overall. Myself, I have a routine of killing 1000 bots in CS:GO daily to train muscle memory and improve myself as a player. It's important for me to always do my best as I'm a...
  12. Yarik

    "War" banned in Russia

    In Russia, you aren't allowed to say the word "war". If you do tho, and are caught doing so, you have a great chance of facing big problems. Instead of war, you should say special military operation. That's referring to what's happening in Ukraine right now. In Russia they say that the "war" is...
  13. Yarik

    Dark theme?

    I did not see a dark theme available. It would be a great addition to the site as some people prefer a dark theme, especially at night. Also, the navigation bar seems a little bit off. Below is a screenshot to show how it looks, could fit it a bit better.
  14. Yarik


    Greetings everyone! I am happy to join this awesome community and spend some time around here. One, probably the biggest of them all, hobby of mine is gaming. I am also interested in tech, I listen to music almost whole day, watch movies from time to time and read books. Last but not least, I...