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  1. S

    Last post wins!

    Simple and fun! The very last person to post in this thread wins! reply as many times as you want, this can get competitive! :) But suppose if no one posts, I've won!
  2. S

    Graphics tablet?

    I was wondering if anyone out there uses Graphics tablets? I got one a while back, but I've never really used it. Gave my GF a shot and she created this awesome Billie Eilish piece. [ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]
  3. S

    Childhood favourites?

    I was just wondering what everyone's favourite childhood movies are?something that captivated you when you were a lot younger something that made you sat on your chair awaiting the next scene! A lot of movies I like when I was younger where movies such as Toy Story, I also really like Toy...
  4. S

    What's wrong with the world?

    In your personal opinion what would you say is wrong with this world? Personally I would say quite a lot of wrong with the world however just be a little more specific I would say, murders, pedophiles, global warming, corrupt politians and so much more.
  5. S

    Who is your favourite artist and why.

    Title is quite self-explanatory, basically my favourite artist would be Dee Snider from the glam metal band twisted Sister I would say this individual because not only is he my favourite musician but he's also been quite an impact in my life, somewhat of an idol I would say. I've been...
  6. S

    Hey folks.

    hello everyone I'm new to the community, thank you to topsilver for recommending me to join the site. I would just like to say that the community is looking absolutely lovely with a nice theme!   My name is Liam but mostly I go by the name Sir Twisted, I've been going on forums and running...