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    End Game comes out in the states on Friday! whos going?
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    Plastics in the air

    We all know that plastics are polluting the ocean, its a fact not an opinion, but now the air? Researchers in France found a ton of plastic particles in the air, raining down from the sky. These particles are so small you can't even see most of them, although some can travel through the air as...
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    Need help

    Making an effort to make a new logo for a gaming clan, any tips on how to make this better?[ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]
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    3D Leg design model

    Wasn't sure weather to post this in here or in the art chat but here is a 3D leg I designed, i was looking all over the place for monster like legs for a model I was making but couldn't find a .stl file anywhere so I decided to make one myself. [ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND][ATTACHMENT NOT...
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    Rate me!

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    As im sure alot of you know about the war between pewdiepie and tsieres, pewdiepie was actually pass in subscribers for about 10 minutes! Then elon musk hosted meme review and got him like another 100k but would you consider this a loss on pewdiepies part or just a funny thing that happened...
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    3D Printing

    Hey so i got into 3D printing about a week ago, and have been printing non stop ever since i got my printer and built it. Anyone else do any 3D printing? If post some pictures of your prints, id love to see em!
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    Revers Greenhouse Effect

    In a few decades our climate may just go completely mental. Temperatures might rise rapidly, melting the ice caps, turning our planet’s climate into something comparable to that of Venus’. We all know about global warming; for the past 10 years you haven’t been able to open a newspaper without...
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    PC TEMP.

    How hot you guys let your PC get? On average I'm sitting at around 40c but if i get past 50 (only happened once) i shut it down. If you have no idea how to check u suggest downloading MSIafterburner its a app that basically lets you know how your computer is doing stats wise. MSIafterburner...
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    Are rodeos animal abuse?

    Are rodeos a form of animal cruelty? Do you even know what a rodeo is? Well most states in the U.S have frequent rodeos. A rodeo is a place where people compete by showing off their skills by riding bulls, wrestling steers, and roping skills. It's a normal western tradition. But PETA says that...
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    Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years?

    i can say with complete honesty that i have no clue what ill be doing. My life has taken so manynew turns i could even be dead for all i know. id like to know where you guys think you will be?
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    Is torture ever acceptable?

    Think about it. Countrys all around the world torture people to get info out of them and some just to do it for fun. but in serious matter is it alright in your opinion? if lives are at stake? loved ones?
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    What's Your Irrational Fear/Hate?

    As cocky and arrogant as it sounds i hate/ fear being wrong. I am always on a journey to be right and its helped me in life, im not an asshole about it but, when I say or talk I dont want to be wrong about something because it is way more embarrassing than it should be for me.
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    Ask the Next Person A Question Game

    It works by having the OP post a question. The next person who replies answers the question, and then asks a question of their own. The next poster replies to that question, and then posts a question of their own. And so on. What is you're favorite pizza topping?
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    Found this new song

    https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y9MpwzM13MI?feature=oembed river runs deep is a great song that after hearing it a couple times seems to have some real deep meaning but i enjoy everything about it.
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    Favorite author?

    My personal favorite is Curtis Jobbling. Jobbling captures scenes in a way that makes perfect sense to me and i enjoy that. Im not a big reader by any means but his scripts actually make me like them and that my friends is a miracle.
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    Who uses emulators on their phones? I have a GBA (gamboy advanced) simulator on mine, each game is either under a mb or only a few mb, i for one have every GBA pokemon and zelda games, i have mario cart a tons of other fun ones. If you guys use emulators, what do you use and what games do ya got?
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    Anybody have any cool and or interesting story's to tell? I would be more than happy to read em, and remember that there is no such thing as a story thats not good enough to tell. :)
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    What strikes you're sense of humor?

    I for one like dark jokes that tend to offend people. i enjoy the ones that get under your skin and you dont even know why you hate it but you just do.
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    DAD JOKES...... fire away

    Give the best dad jokes possible