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  1. Sincerem11

    EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings are now available for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers

    RE: EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings are now available for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers RE: EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings are now available for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers SNES users are thrilled with this feature especially for those who play MMO games. 
  2. Sincerem11

    Do you use a password manager?

    RE: Do you use a password manager? I don't have any password manager, I don't tend to use any at the moment. I use 2FA, or a unique password which I can afford to remember. 
  3. Sincerem11

    Graphics Card Shortage

    RE: Graphics Card Shortage It sucks to see something you really want going out of stock. At the moment the graphics cards aren't in my agenda, it isn't popular here too in my locality. 
  4. Sincerem11


    RE: Politicians! I don't see any job which my country's politicians are doing, they should be paid like a civil servants. Infact, civil servants are working more than them. They've simply ruined the progress of our country, making unfavourable decisions all the time. 
  5. Sincerem11

    What do you think about Nintendo Switch Online?

    RE: What do you think about Nintendo Switch Online? Nintendo switch is a portable gaming device, I don't have it at the moment, I am simply hoping to have it any moment. Due to its portability like a mobile device and quality gaming. 
  6. Sincerem11

    Public Schools

    RE: Public Schools No, public schools here in my country is almost free of charge especially for the less privilege ones, because the wealthy peoples children go to quality private schools. What should be done is that, the public schools should be improved and made to be conducive for learning. 
  7. Sincerem11

    Mandatory Sentencing

    RE: Mandatory Sentencing If you don't have this kind of laws set up, people will simply do anyhow, and break laws anyhow, and crime rate will simply be high. In order to make sure everything stays in-line, orders have to be given from the judiciaries. 
  8. Sincerem11

    Defunding the Cops

    RE: Defunding the Cops I never tried that before, because, I really don't like breaking the laws. If I am caught, that will simply get me in danger of facing serious penalty. 
  9. Sincerem11

    Sex Education in School

    RE: Sex Education in School All this things is learned in the school environment, parents paid for them in order for their children who has grown to a certain age to understand how it takes to understand how to make babies and prevent unwanted pregnancies and stay off from STDs and STI diseases. 
  10. Sincerem11

    School Prayer

    RE: School Prayer I wouldn't stand against prayer in schools, it's a tremendous way of communicating with God. Every religion has their own way of communication with their God even in school, no one hinders anyone from such communication. 
  11. Sincerem11


    RE: Abortion I never for once supported abortion, if everyone aborted who could've existed? None. So, I would never be a fan of encouraging abortion. 
  12. Sincerem11

    Gun Control

    RE: Gun Control I don't really know the essence of owing a gun when I have nothing tangible to do with it. I'll only get attracted to own a gun with the security in my locality is loose. 
  13. Sincerem11

    What To Recommend, SEO Or PPC?

    RE: What To Recommend, SEO Or PPC? What really matters, is the starting first. Their is nothing seems easy, in order to succeed in a website management, the webmaster should devote time, monetary resources in order keep the website traffic high. 
  14. Sincerem11

    What's everyone currently playing?

    RE: What's everyone currently playing? I am a soccer and a racing game lover. At the moment I am simply playing two games constantly one after the other, which is FIFA 20 and motorcycle GP 16.
  15. Sincerem11

    Free vs Premium Forum Software

    RE: Free vs Premium Forum Software Premium Forum software, makes it easier for the webmaster to gain more robust security, have Live chat sessions and lots more amazing features. But, if you don't have the extra funds to spend for it, it will be better to stay put with Free option. 
  16. Sincerem11

    Where does most of your website traffic come from?

    RE: Where does most of your website traffic come from? For me, it will take a long time for my website traffic to come from Google search engine and other search engines. Social media is my preferred option. I am simply building up a huge social media presence through different pages ranging...
  17. Sincerem11

    The Current US Inflation and Gas Prices

    RE: The Current US Inflation and Gas Prices US is even in paradise compare to the ongoing economic struggle coupled with high level of inflation going in my country. In the last 12 months, prices of products have tripped in their value, that's completely bizzarre. 
  18. Sincerem11

    Forum Vs. Blog: Which is easier to mange?

    RE: Forum Vs. Blog: Which is easier to mange? I prefer to get going with a forum than a blog. Within some duration of time, my experience around forums have grown, I am simply into digital marketing, I can simply attract posters/members to my forum and keep them engaging without spending much...
  19. Sincerem11

    Do you have a blog?

    RE: Do you have a blog? I've know you for a long time now, right from bizdustry, gptforum, and numerous others. Your write-up and experience around webmaster discussion it's an inspiration. I am still learning, sooner, I'll get going with blog creation and forums etc. 