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  1. R

    Sony being sued for $5.91 billon

    RE: Sony being sued for $5.91 billon There's no good proof that's going to be enough to make Sony guilty of this accusations. I'm not sure if any judge would listen to this more than once and strike it out. This is a complete waste of time. ???
  2. R

    Difficulty playing with mouse and keyboard

    RE: Difficulty playing with mouse and keyboard I started playing video games using console controllers which makes it easier for me to adapt to playing video games. It is why playing with keyboard and mouse was very challenging for me because it is not what I started playing games with.
  3. R

    When do you play your games?

    RE: When do you play your games? Playing video games during the weekend is always a must for me because it is when I am more chance to play video games without having any distractions or other commitments. I just try once in a while to play during the weekdays especially during the night.
  4. R

    Wired or Wireless Controllers?

    RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers? Now I'm confused at what you're trying to say. How does using a wired controller prevent gamers from tricking you when playing soccer?
  5. R

    How often do you clean your console?

    RE: How often do you clean your console? I also cover my consoles whenever I am done playing games so that it will prevent dust from plastering all over it. This makes it very easy for me to clean it whenever I am clean it because it will not be too much that dirty.
  6. R

    Playstation or Xbox?

    RE: Playstation or Xbox? It's more fun when you hook up playing with your friends. It's what connects me with my friends all over the world that we are no longer close together.
  7. R

    What do you hate about your phone?

    RE: What do you hate about your phone? The smartphone is already due to be changed. You can't blame it for acting up in that manner. I don't use any of my smartphone more than 2 years and I will buy a new one. ??????
  8. R

    Do you pre order games?

    RE: Do you pre order games? I have never heard that a game is scarce to purchase especially when it's a digital copy of the games. It's only digital copies that are being pre ordered.
  9. R

    Would you gift your PS5 away?

    RE: Would you gift your PS5 away? The issue here is that it is not everybody that are that rich to afford buying PlayStation 5 as they please and be giving it away to people. Even those that are that rich are not that free when it comes to giving such kind of gifts to people.
  10. R

    Where did you purchase your PlayStation 5?

    RE: Where did you purchase your PlayStation 5? According to a friend of mine who purchased it from PlayStation store, she told me that she was able to purchase it for $500 only. I'm going to try my luck with them soon.
  11. R

    What's your favorite online Playstation games?

    RE: What's your favorite online Playstation games? I also enjoyed playing rocket League all the time. The game's mechanics is incredible. I have never seen anything like it before. I have heard about Monster Hunter World but I never got into playing it.
  12. R

    Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

    RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers? This is what I am doing already and I don't have any problem doing it for a very long time. This is because spending that amount of money on what those silly people are selling PlayStation 5 is not worth it.
  13. R

    God of War Ragnarok Release Date

    RE: God of War Ragnarok Release Date With the time Santa Monica studio took before they announced the games release date, it is perfectly fixed that it is not going to be changed again and the game is going to be released by November.
  14. R

    Do you see Playstation 5 becoming available in the last quarter of 2022?

    RE: Do you see Playstation 5 becoming available in the last quarter of 2022? As long as you're not being in a haste to purchase PlayStation 5 it is always going to come down in price and become more affordable for people that are interested in buying it. I can't imagine buying PlayStation 5 for...
  15. R

    First Playstation Console?

    RE: First Playstation Console? My first PlayStation console is Playstation 1 and PlayStation 2. I bought PlayStation one myself and my brother gifted me the PlayStation 2. I loved them so much because they make me happy always.
  16. R

    What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

    RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own? I used to own PlayStation 1, 2 and 4. But now, I have only my Playstation 4. It's serving me very well because I can play some of Playstation 5 games on PS4. I sold my Playstation 1 and 2 when I bought Playstation 4.
  17. R

    Where did you purchase your PlayStation 5?

    RE: Where did you purchase your PlayStation 5? I have not bought Playstation 5. If and whenever I'm ready to buy it, I will be getting it from Sony's Playstation Store. I see any reason why I shouldn't buy it from them. ?????
  18. R

    What's your favorite game series on Playstation?

    RE: What's your favorite game series on Playstation? My favourite game series on Playstation console are ; God of War Far Cry Assassin's Creed Call of Duty Elder Scrolls Dark Souls
  19. R

    What's your favorite online Playstation games?

    RE: What's your favorite online Playstation games? I used to love Red Dead Online until Rockstar decided to stop supporting the game very well. I also love GTA Online too. It's better supported by Rockstar than Red Dead Online. Now, I'm playing The Elder Scrolls Online.
  20. R

    Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

    RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers? I don't even have the money to buy Playstation 5 at the normal price. I wonder what's going to make me even consider buying it from scalpers that would sell it more expensive? I will never buy anything from them.