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  1. JoyFreak

    My PC build

    RE: My PC build That's good to keep them both separate. I gave my other one (non-gaming) laptop to my sisters cause I am nice like that :D
  2. JoyFreak

    What are you listening to?

    RE: What are you listening to? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jwxI0OX3GsA?feature=oembed
  3. JoyFreak

    What Music streaming service do you use?

    RE: What Music streaming service do you use? You only need a university email address :) Google, Apple Music Student and follow the steps :D
  4. JoyFreak

    What are you listening to?

    RE: What are you listening to? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hhzYbExfVIY?feature=oembed
  5. JoyFreak

    What's the most disappointing game you've played?

    RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played? Yeah, I didn't think it was that popular of a game either. I think they expected more players but it didn't turn out so great for them. I can understand why, the grinding was bit too much.
  6. JoyFreak

    PS4, Xbox, or PC ??

    RE: PS4, Xbox, or PC ?? Yeah, I heard XBOX one is really good. I am looking forward to PS5 :D
  7. JoyFreak

    My PC build

    RE: My PC build Certainly. WoW works great and Ark. I have tried it on other games that require less and works great. But tbh, I strictly use this laptop for education now a days.
  8. JoyFreak

    Elder Scroll Online

    RE: Elder Scroll Online Yeah I love that it is open world. I also loved Skyrim, it was a fun game. I still continuously play it on the PS4. I like games like these, medieval fantasy.
  9. JoyFreak

    What Music streaming service do you use?

    RE: What Music streaming service do you use? If you are a student, like myself :) I get a discount with Apple music. £4.99 a month :D
  10. JoyFreak

    Gaming community - JoyFreak.com

    Pleasure to be partnered with you!
  11. JoyFreak

    Your first anime?

    RE: Your first anime? Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Digimon. Boy those memories, throwback!
  12. JoyFreak

    What's your favorite sport?

    RE: What's your favorite sport? Tennis and running.
  13. JoyFreak

    What are you listening to?

    RE: What are you listening to? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jwxI0OX3GsA?feature=oembed
  14. JoyFreak

    My PC build

    RE: My PC build These are my specs: OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Processor: Intel® Core i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2496 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) Memory: 32 GB GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
  15. JoyFreak

    My Latest Piece...

    RE: My Latest Piece... That looks awesome! Good job, what program did you use if you don't mind masking?
  16. JoyFreak

    Elder Scroll Online

    Anyone play this game? I love this game, especially Skyrim on the PS4 but this is better as it's online. What do you think of this game? The story line is the best I have played!
  17. JoyFreak

    Anyone use Reddit?

    RE: Anyone use Reddit? Yeah they get lost in the nest. Anything that is old is lost.
  18. JoyFreak


    RE: Venom I genuinely loved this movie and is one of my favorites to date. Tom Hardy suited this character very well. I would watch this movie over and over and not get bored. Thanks for sharing the trailer!
  19. JoyFreak

    Anyone use Reddit?

    RE: Anyone use Reddit? I use it and it is a good platform. I do agree thought about it being hard to follow due to the layout. All the nested comments etc. always confuse me and if you do not sit there and really learn how to use it, you will find it hard to navigate.
  20. JoyFreak

    I'm getting back into Bootstrap

    RE: I'm getting back into Bootstrap I couldn't agree more. I have used many softwares, including forum softwares and I must say Xenforo 2.x has got the winner by far. I look forward to seeing what you come up with using Bootstrap. I have never used it but I know you can do much much more with...